Secondly that he the Said Major Thomas Truman ought ac-
cording to yor Lopps instructions To haue acquainted your Lop
before he Caused the Said Indians to be Executed for your
Lops advice and directions in tht Case which [we] doe not finde
he did
[Las]tly that he hath broken yor Lopps instructions in this
[alsoe] That if the Virginia officrs did advise and Consent to
[the] Killing of the Said Jndians tht he did not in an open
[Coun]cell of Warre Cause the Same Judiciously to be [en-
t]ered in Writeing by his Clerk or Secretary and Such the
Virginians Consent and desire for the doeing thereof to be
Signed vnder theire hands to be kept for Justification of him-
self and the people of this Province.
Therefore for That by the Said Article it appears That the
Said Major Thomas Truman hath broken his Comission and
Jnstructions in Murthering the sd Indians To the dishonor of
God and of yor Lopp & this Province, They humbly pray tht
your Lopp & Upper house of Assembly will Take Such order
With the Said Major Thomas Truman as may be Just and Rea-
sonable in Terror of others to be Warr of Such Offences agt
your Lop for the future, And Your Lops most humble and obe-
dient Servants as in all duty bound Shall daily Pray for yor
Lopps long and happy Dominion over vs &c
Lower house May the 22th 1676
The Comittee haveing drawne Up the above the above Jm-
peachmt agt Major Thomas Truman and prsented to this house
for their further Consideracon put to the Vote Whether the
Said Jmpeachmt Shall be transmitted to the Upper house as the
Comittee have drawne it Yea, or Noe.
Voted tht it be Transmitted To his Lopp and upp house as it
is drawne by the Comittee Together With all the Depositions
Relateing thereto annexed to it
Signed by ordr of the house
Robert Ridgely Clk of the
Lowr house of Assembly