Colonll Wm Burges Mr Robert Carvile Mr Ken [elm] Chisle-
dine Mr Wm Stephens &c brough[t in] an Impeachment agt
Major Thomas Tru [man] With Seaverall Depositions Relating]
Thereto Wch Impeachmo is as followeth
To the Right Honoble the [Lord]
Proprietary of the Province of [Mary] Land
and Avalon Lord Barron of Baltemore [&c.]
Articles agt Major Thomas Truman Exhibited by The Lower
house of Assembly To the Right Honoble The Lord Proprietary
and Vpper house of Assembly
Wee yor Lopps most humble true faithfull & obedient people
the Burgesses and Delegates in Your Lower house of Assem-
bly being Constrained by necessity of our fidelity & Conscience
in Vindication of the honor of God and the honor and wellfare
of yor Lopp and this Province doe Complaine and Shew tht the
said Major Thomas Truman late Comander in Cheif vpon an
Expedicon agt the Indians at the Susquehannough forte hath
by many and Sundry Wayes and Meanes, Comitted divers
and Sundry Enormous Crimes and Offences To the Dishonor
of almighty God agt the Law of Nations Contrary to yor Lopps
Comission and Instructions and to the great endangering of
yor Lops peace and the good and Safty of yor Lops province
according to the Articles hereafter mentioned, That is to Say
Wee finde upon the Reading Yor Lopps Comission & In-
struccons and the Affadavids wch we herewith Send to Yor
Lopp & vpper house of Assembly and which we humbly sub
mitt to your Lopps examinacon and Serious Consideracon
First tht the said Major Thomas Truman hath broken his
Comion and Instructions in this, That the said Major Thomas
Truman haveing received Six Indians Sent out by the Susque
hannoughs as Embassadors to Treat wth him on the Sunday
after the arrivall of the Maryland forces, and received their
papr and Meddall by which wee finde thr they were received as
friends and in amity with vs, and had liberty of goeing bacd