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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 481   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676. 481

Ordered by the Upper house tht the papers between Mr
ffrisbye and Mr Harman &c be Sent to the Attorney Gen" and
tht an Jndictmt be by him [Dr]awne Upon the Same
Signed &c.

Comes into the house a bill entituled an Act for the Security
and defence of this Province, by [Mr] Wm Stephens and Mr
John Coade
[The] Honoble Chancellor Coll Jesse Wharton and [Liev]t
Coll Taillor Sent to the Lower house to Speak [to] the Act
Touching the prohibition of Armes and Amunition to the
Read in the house a peticon Exhibited by the Honoble Chan-
cellour and Jno Jordan the two overseers of the Last
Will of Leivt Collonll Jno Jarboe late deceased and
the Same ascented to by this House
Signed &c

The answer of Ino Shankes to seaverall
Interogatories put To him by the Upper House

This Depont Saith that he wth the Mary Land forces being
at the forte of the Susquehannoughs on the Sabboth day he
was sent up to the forte to desire one of the great men by
name Harignera To Come and Speake with Major Truman
and the said Harignera being dead This Deponent desired
Some other great men to come and Speake with the sd Major
Vpon which message of his there came out 3 or 4 of them,
And this Depont was Commanded by the Major to tell them of
the great Jnjuries that had been done to the Country and tht
he came to know Who they were tht had done them, And the
great men Replyed it was the Senecaes and This Depont Saith
that there beiddddng prsent other Jndians from other Townes The
Major desired some of theire Youdsng men To assist as Pilates
as well as the Neighbouring Jndians had done to Joyne in the
persuite agf the Senecaes, And the Said Jndians Replyed tht
the Seneca's had been gone 4 dayes and tht by tht time they
might be at the head of Patapscoe River To wch Major Tru-
man Retorned that he had good horses and they were good
foot men and might soon overtake them and the Jndians Re-
plyed they would, And the Depont further Saith that in the
Morning following The Susquehannoughs great men being at
the place of Meeting before the Mary Landers and Virginians
the Said great men were taxed againe by the Virginians more
highly of the Injuries done by them in Mary Land and Virginia
and they vtterly denyed the Same and thereupon This

U. H.

p. 10

[Depont] was C[omman]ded to Declare to them that they
Should be Bound, and this Depont Saith further that there was

p. It

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 481   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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