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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 480   View pdf image
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480 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1676.

U. H.

Lower house, but the dishonorr done to the Government by the
Comrs Who vnder Collour of theire Comion and Law of the
Country have Vnjustly arrested from the peticoner his Timber
Which this house desires the Lower house further to debate
and alsoe, tht they will please to take an accot of Mr Charles
James High Shff of Caecill County touching the Exhorbitant
and illegall proceedings of Abraham Wilde in that County
Signed &c

p. 9

Ordered tht Ino Baker Jnnholder doe Supply the Indians
Who at prsent doe attend this Assem[bly] With Such provis-
sions as is Necessary for [their] Sustenance dureing theire
Stay at St [Maries.]
Sign[ed &t]

gest Suspition and lealousie to [the Emperor] of Nanticocke
But This house [humbly] Referrs it To his Lopp as to Choice
[of Time that] may be Convenient for the Same

Signed &c

The house is adjowrned Till Tomorrow Morning
At 10 a Clock

On Friday May the 19th 1676

At 10 a Clock in the Morning

The house mett

Present as Yesterday Together wth CoH Sam" Chew

Lower house
May 18

This house are of oppinion as the U[pper house]
of that at this time the demand of th[e Children] of
Watts and Dickenson is danger[ous and may] Sug-

Lower house
May: 19

This house upon full examinacon of the businesse
between Mr Frisbye and the Comissioners of Caecill
County are of Opinion tht Augustine Harman Abra-

nam Wilde ana Henry Ward are guilty of a Ryot in tuning
Mr Frisbys Timber off his Land by force and vnder Collour of
Authority, And this house humbly Conceave tht they ought to
be indicted for the Same at the next Provall Cort And this house
have Taken an accot of Mr Charles James of the proceedings
of Mr Wilde and Send it back to the Upper house with the rest
of the papers for his Lop and the Upper house to proceed
therein according to Law but tht this house Can make noe
Proceedings thereon for Want of proof Mr James onely as to
tht perticular Swearing by hear Say

Signed by ordr of the Lowr house

Robert Ridgely Clk


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 480   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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