P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53
Comodities of his Lopp the Lord and Proprietry of this Province
and of the Governor of this Province for the time being One
other Act made at the same Assembly entituled an Act against
Foreigne Ingrosers One other Act made att a Generall Assem-
bly held at St Maries the 17th of March 1670 and prorogued
till the tenth of October 1671 entituled an Act touching
Coopers One other Act made att the same Assembly entituled
an Act against hogg stealers One other Act made att the same
Assembly entituled an Act for Coroners Fees One other Act
made att the same Assembly entituled an Act for markeing
highwaies and makeing the heads of Rivers Creekes branches
and Swamps Passable for horse and Foote One other Act made
att the same Assembly entituled an Act for the Killing of
wolves One other Act made att a Generall Assembly held at
St Maries the 19th day of May 1679 Entituled An Act concern-
ing Ordinary Keepers One other Act made att the same As-
sembly entituled An Act Concerning the Impannelling the
Srand Inquest in the Severall Counties within this Province
ne other Act made att the same Assembly entituled an Act
for the Surveyor Generalls Fees with an addicon of Fees upon
Resurveys and for Leavying the same One other Act made att
the same Assembly entituled an Act for payment of Fees due
from Criminall persons One other Act made att the same
Assembly entituled an Act for Limiting of Accons against the
surveyr Genll of this Province One other Act made att the same
Assembly entituled an Act concerning servants that have
bastards One other Act made att the same Assembly entituled
an Act for appointing Court Dayes in each respective County
within this Province One other Act made att the same Assem-
bly entituled an Act against burners of Fences One other Act
made at the same Assembly entituled an Act against burnors
of Fences one other Act made att the same Assembly entituled
an Act concerning taxable persons One other Act made att the
same Assembly declaring what shalbe done by the Sheriffe.
exofficio One other Act made att the same Assembly entituled
An Act against the Prophaning the Sabbath Day One other
Act made att the same Assembly entituled an Act prohibiting
all masters of Shipps or other Vessells or any other persons
from Transporting or Conveying away any person or persons
out of this Province without passes the same Act and every of
them are here Revived and Confirmed for the Tearme of three
Years or to the end of the next Sessions of Assembly which
shall first happen.