this Present Genll Assembly Bee it enacted by the Right
Honble the Lord Propriety of this Province bye and with the
advise and Consent of the upper and Lower house of this
present Generall Assembly of this Province and by the Autho-
rity thereof That an act made at a Generall Assembly begun
the 27th of Aprill 1678 entituled an Act concerning the gage
of Tobacco hogsheads One other Act entituled an Act for
Registring of births, Marriages and burialls One other Act
made att an Assembly held at St Johns the 17th day of Aprill
1661, entituled an Act appointing certaine officers (except the
last clause for nominating sheriffes) one other Act made att the
same Assembly entituled An Act for Military Discipline one
other Act made at the same Assembly entituled an act con-
cerning the height of ffences One other Act made at the same
Assembly entituled an Act for Conveyance of all Letters con-
cerning the state and publique Affaires, One other Act made
att a Generall Assembly held att St Maries the ffirst of Aprill
1662 Intituled an Act for Publicacon of Marriages, One other
Act made att the same Assembly Imposing a ffee on those who
shalbe married One other Act made at the same Assembly
Intituled an Act concerning Indians One other Act made at
the same Assembly intituled an Act concerning the Secretary
and an Addicon to his ffees except this clause in the said Act
viz! that the Secretary of this Province shall Send to each Re-
spective County Court within this Province all the Lawes in
force with the Lesser Seale Affixed to them for the which each
Respective County was to pay to the Secretary One thousand
pounds of Casqued Tobacco which is not to stand renewed,
One other Act made att a Genll Assembly held at St Maries
the 15th day of September 1663 and there continued untill
Saturday the 3rd day of October ffollowing and thence adjourned
untill the second Tuesday in September 1664 entituled an act
prohibiting arrests on Sabbath Dayes and Dayes of generall
Mustering and Trayning One other Act made att the same
Assembly Intituled An Act for Amerciaments in the Provinciall
County Court One other Act made att a Generall Assembly
held at St Maries the fourth day of Aprill 1666 entituled an
Act prohibiting Trade with Indians for any fflesh dead or alive
except Dear or Wilde-Fowle One other Act made att the
same Assembly entituled an Act for Clks ffees and allow-
ance for Jurors in civill causes One other Act made att a
Genll Assembly held att St Maries the 13th day of Aprill 1669
entituled an Additional act to the Law for the Publicacon of
Marriages One other Act made att the same Assembly entituled
An Act for Limitacon of actions to avoide Suites at Law One
other Act made att the same Assembly, Intituled an Act pro-
viding Sufficient Freight & carriage for the proper goods and
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53