Peace or Warr doe Pray it may be enacted and bee it there-
fore enacted by the Right Honorable the Lord Propty by and
with the advice and consent of the Upper and Lower houses
of this psent Generall Assembly and by the Authority of the
same that there be leavyed & raysed this present yeare the
sume of Fifty thousand pounds of Tobacco by an equall
assesmt upon the psons and Estates of the Inhabitants of this
Province to be payd to his Excellency Charles Calvert Esqr
Capt Genl of this Province to bee by him disposed of as hee
and his Councill shall thinke meete for and towards the defray-
ing all such Charges and expences as shall be laid out and
expended in and about the carrying on or making any Warr
or Peace withe the Susquehannough Indians or any other their
Confederates Indians or with the Cynego Indians if his Excel-
lency and Councill shall thinke expedient to make such warr
or peace this psent yeare to be expeditiously & done and in
case the said Warr or Peace shall forthwith be psecuted and
made and that itt shall happen the said fifty thousand pounds
of tobacco so hereby to be leavied as aforesaid shall not
appeare to his Excellency and Councill to bee sufficient for the
defraying of the Charges aforesaid, so that it shall fall out his
Excellency or Councill or any other pson or psons shall neces-
sarily expend Lay out or lend uppon the Publique Faith in
further prosecution of the said Warr and procuring such peace
as aforesaid any sume or sumes of tobacco whatsoever the
delegates of the Lower house of Assembly doe hereby ingage
the Publique Faith that all such pson or psons that have so
paid lent or layd out the same as aforesaid shall and will at
their next Sessions or meeting of the Assembly pay and satisfie
all such accompts, paymts, disbursemts and Loanes aforesaid
such pson or psons at the same assembly then making their
just accounts, Loans & Demands duely to appeare to be
necessaryly expended lent and laid out in defence of the
Country and making & psecuting such Warr or Peace as
aforesaid, this Act to endure for three years or to the end of
the next Genll Assembly which shall first happen.
His Lordshipp declareth these to be Lawes
Charles Calvert.
These Acts passed under the
Create Scale 16th June 1674
Philip Calvert Cancy
An Act Empowering the Governor and Councill to Leavey the
Charge for making warr or peace with the Indians.
Whereas diverse Charges may arrise for the necessary
Defense and Safety of the Inhabitants of the Province either in
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53