P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53
An Act for the Raysing a present supply for
his Excettcy the Capt Generall to defray the
Charges of making Peace with the Cynegoe In-
dians and making warr with the Susquehannes
Indians and their Confederates if accation
Your Lopps two houses of Assembly having received cer-
taine credible Informacons of the many murthers and Outrages
comitted upon the psons and Estates of divers of the good
People of this Province in Baltemore County by the Susque-
hanna Indians and other their Confederates Indians by them
countenanced and protected contrary to the Articles of Peace
of Your Lopps Councill here agreed upon and concluded upon
which a Warr is likely to ensue and it being also conceived
that it may be of great benefit and advantage to the Interest of
this Province to make Peace with the Cynego Indians for the
defraying the expences of such Warr or Peace if it shall seeme
necessary to the Capt Generall and Councill to make such