458 Assembly Proceedings, February 1674/5.
L. H.
Upp house The 23th of ffeb:
This house desires to be informed by the Lower house upon
what grounds or reasons, the acts for Encouragemt of planting
Hemp and fflax and for sheriffs taking b are left out of
the Act for Reviving Certeine lawes
Signed by ordr of the house
Ri: Boughton Clerke.
on Reading the message from the upp house
house g the same into their Consideracon
finde no for their Revi therefore have omitted
them in the sd Act for Revivall of Mr Car Capt
B n Mr Trip & Mr Ward Sent with the two last messages
t etorne.
Came Mr Truman from upp house to desire this
house to ascerteine they desire the Ordinary to be Kept
in Dorchester County Peter Underwoods house in the
sd County.
p. 24
An Act for the Encourage
Came the Surveyor underwrit (vizt)
The upp house Co Joine with them in p
ton Clerke
Mr Secry from the up lawes, this house Delivered
him the J
An Act for the & passed
Sent to they retorne
The peticion Mr Carvile & Capt Boarman. they retou
The house adjourned the clock in the
23th ffeb: afternoone
The house mett absent as before
The Comittee prsent to this house the Act for the publique
Charge wch being Read voted to be amended.
Mr Speaker apointed Mr Carvile, Mr fford Mr Hambleton
Mr Hall Mr Ward and Mr Wright a Comittee to amend the sd
They goe upon their charge.
Put to the vote if it be necessary for Every Member to beare
his own Charges yea, or no.
Voted in the Negative.
Voted Nemine Contradicente th Clerkes of the upp
& lower howses have Three Thowsand po Tobacco