The Act for Regulacon
And the Act to Empower Councell to lay the leavy
&c Sent to the upp house by Mr ature of their Clerke.
Survr Genrall with the sd Two acts signed by their Clerke.
The house Adjourned whilst to morrow morning 9 a clock.
23o ffeb: 1674.
The house met absent as before and the Comittee.
Voted that the Comittee draw up a Law for the Countyes
to leavy 400l Tob a peice Every yeare to be payd to the Ordi-
nary man at St Maryes that Enterteines the grand Ju
according to a vote of both howses last Sessions, so that the
grand if they spend more may pay it out of their owne
The Act for Reviving of Read twice & passed.
Sent by Mr Carvile ffranklyn to th house they
Capt Boarman sent t upp se to desi o
send their answere to this house touch ary Keeps,
he s
Came Mr T om the upp house, wth (vizt)
Upp h ffebrua e 23th 1674.
This house having red the message from the Lower
house sent to the L? General the instant Requesting
him to call in all lye for Ordinaryes Except such as are
Kept at the places where are Kept, are of opinion