necessi is of opinion that it wilbe more safe that the
above the falls of Patomeke, their being yd hould
on) to Cleare ground Enough to p the only thing they
seeme to desire to live a us for.
man Sent with the sd message they retorne
Surveyor Genrall Mr Chew and Mr Taillor sage by word
of mouth (vizt) That if ed to the falls of Patomeke, their
being their, nothing but force will drive th ca's
will Certeinly be here this Summer ny wee shalby this
meanes Create two, and if this ion then to Signify so
much to the upp house wh ing to doe but to provide
Armes Ammunition and Provision, and imediately to beginne
the warre.
Mr Courseene Sent for the Comittee, he returnes
and wth him the Comittee.
Jt was pposed to the house whether if the sussequehan-
noughs should Refuse to Remove where the Gournor is pleased
to apointe them they shalbe forced by warre to Remove or not.
Voted that th shall goe when and where the Gournor
pleases to apointe them they shalbe forced.
Mr Car Mr Dent Capt Weekes Cape Boarman Capt
Wells & Capt it wth the sd vote to the upp house,
they retorne.
The Comittee pa bills to this house Entituled
An Act for of Longer time to the Countyes for Erect-
ing Court howses and p Read and passed.
An Act apointing to take bayle. read and passed.
Clement Hi Sher St Maryes County craves
allowance out of the publique of ll Sumes of Tobacco by
him Expended on prisoners Criminals a disburst upon
other occasions as by his account appeares. The house taking