L. H.
This house taking into ation that the Lawes made
the last Sessions of this Assembly, are not Entred in
of Lawes, and that this house have the Original Coppy undr
the greate seal Province, and that it might be much
prjudice to the Province in general they by any acci-
dent be Defaced or Casually lost — ordered that a message
be his Exclly, to desire that Mr Secry may Cause the
same to be Entred upon Record in the said booke of the body
of Lawes, by Munday morning next and then ma
Retorned to this house in the sd booke.
p. 2
Mr Carvile, Mr Dent, Ca- they retorne
Ordered that the Clerke house he ordrs to
be observed in the -1, and post them up in the house
to morrow
The house morning Ten a clock.
The 1 3th Mr Henry Adams & Capt Philemon
The Clerk house, and the Rules & ordrs to
read as followeth —
St Maryes Lower house y 13th 1674.
It is this day ordered by the eses of this Province
now Assembled, that those m ( zt) Mr Thomas Notley
speaker, Mr Robert Carvile William Boarman, Mr
William Hatton Mr Thomas Dent Lt Coll John Jarbo, Mr
Arthure Wright, Mr Wm Bishop, Capt William Surges, Mr Cor-
nelius Howard, Mr Robert ffranklyn Major Thomas Brookes,
Mr Richard Hall, Mr William Berry, Mr Henry Adams, Mr
Jgnatius Courseene, Mr John Bowlds, Capt George Wells Capt
Thomas Todd, Mr Richard Woolman Capt Philemon LLoyd,
Mr Joseph Weekes, Mr William Hambleton, Capt Paul Marsh,
Mr Roger Woolford; Mr Henry Tripp Mr William fford, Mr
Henry & Mr Abraham Wilde, or any Twelve of them
(whereof Mr Speaker to e) assembled at the time and place
prfixed shalbe a house of Comons or Lo house of Assem-
bly, to all intents & purposes, and all bills, acts or o
lied by the said Twenty Nine Members or any Twelve of
them (whereof ker to be one as aforesaid) with the
Consent and approbation of the upp nd Enacted by
the Lt Genrall Gournor of this Province, undr the Right
Lord Baltemore Proprietary of the same shalbe
Lawes of ce after publica thereof undr the
greate Seale of this Province -d to all intents and
purposes, as if they were admitted and assented the
Respective freemen of this Province in pson.