ates of the Lower house of Assembly prorouged vn-
ns and Adjournmts from the sixth of June in the
the Right honoble Caecilius &c to this prsent Twelveth
of his sayd Lopps Dominion Annoq Domini 1674
L. H.
p. I
vert Gournor, The honoble Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
Brookes Esqr Surveyor Genrall, Thomas Truman
Tailor Esqsrs, his Lopps Councill, met as the
of the Lower house mett in St Maryes
all wch followes vizt.
the name of
St Mary
St Maryes County
Lt Coll
-les County — Mr Henry Adams —
Mr Ignatius Courseene
Mr John Bowles —
Kent County.
Mr Arthure Wright
Mr William Bishop
Ann Arundel County.
Capt Burges —
Mr Cornelius Howard
Mr Robert ffranklyn
Calvert County.
Major Thomas Brooke
Mr Richard Hall
Mr William B
Baltemore County
Capt George Wells
Capt Thomas Todd
Talbot County
Mr Richard Woolman
Capt Philemon LLoyd.
Mr Joseph Weekes
Mr William Hambleton
Somrset County.
Capt Paul Marsh
Mr Roger Woolford
Dorchester County
Mr Henry Tripp
Mr William fford
Caecil County
Mr Henry Ward &
Mr Abraham Wilde
Robert Ridgely ted Clerke of this house by the
honoble the Lt Genrall & takes his place according[ly]
Mathias Woods -ekeep by the house.
Dent Sent the last Journal of this house
and the body of Lawe he retornes and with
with the Journal & body of Lawes.