of the Province against any insurreccon of the Indians who live
in great Numbers in that Country Bee it enacted by the Lord
Proprytory by and with the advice and consent of the Upper and
Lower houses of this present Generall Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, that the Comissioners of St Maries and
Charles Countyes by equall assesmt upon the Inhabitants of
each County respectively to be laid in their next meeting about
mending the highwaies heretofore by Act of Assembly setled
shall Leavy so much tobacco as shall effectively make a high-
way passable for horse and foote over such place of Zachiah
Swampe within Two miles of the said Mill upward as shall
seme most convenient to the Justices of the Peace of both
Countyes. And bee it further enacted by the Authority afore-
said that if the Comissionrs of the said Counties or either of
them shall neglect to rayse the Tobaccoes aforesaid or shall
neglect to cause the highway aforesaid to be performed and
done in such manner as aforesaid and by such means as is
prescribed in an act for making highwaies and making of the
heads of Rivers and Creeks passable for horse and foote or
that shall neglect perfectly to compleate the same by the five
and twentyeth day of March next the Comrs so neglecting to
Rayse Tobacco and compleat the Worke as aforesaid shall pay
for a Fine Twenty Thousand pounds of tobacco the one halfe
to the Lord Propriety the other halfe to him or them that shall
sue for the same in the Provinciall Court wherein noe essoyne
pteccon or wager of Law to be allowed.
P.R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53