408 Assembly Proceedings, May — June 1674.
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53
said that it shall be att the Liberty of the Persons entertained
by the ordinary Keeper to pay as many pence in money for
bear dyet, Lodging or horsemeat as there are pounds of To-
bacco allowed to be demanded by the ordinary Keeper for
such Beer dyet, Lodging or horsemeat before in this Act. This
Act to endure for three year or to the end of the next Generall
Assembly which shall first come.
Voted that this Act be sent downe to the
Lower house and offered to their Consideracon
An Act for the Repeale of Certain Lawes.
Forasmuch as the Burgesses of this present Generall Assem-
bly have taken into their Consideracon the great vexation and
trouble which the Inhabitants of this Province are lyable unto
by reason of certaine Laws hereafter named (vizt) one Act made
att a Generall Assembly held at St Johns on the fourth day of
March 1647 intituled an act touching paymt of debts. One
other Act made at the same Assembly intituled An Act touch-
ing pagans, one other act made at the same Assembly intituled
an act for the extent of attachmts & execucons another act made
at the same assembly intituled an act touching Court dayes,
alsoe one other Act made att a Generall Assembly begunn att
St Maries the fiftenth day of September 1663 and continued
till Saturday the third of October following and thence ad-
journed till the second Tuesday in September 1664 intituled
an act providing what shall be good evedence upon bills bonds
and specialties coming out of England and other parts. One other
Act made att a Generall Assembly held att St Maries the one
and twenteth of Aprill 1649 and the 25th of Aprill 1650 intituled
an act against Fugitives, one other Act made att a Generall
Assembly held the tenth day of Aprill 1666 intituled an act
concerning Outlawries doe pray therefore that it may be enacted
and be it enacted by the Lord Proprietary by & with the advice
and consent of the upp & Lower house of this present Generall
Assembly and the Authority of the same that all & every of
those Lawes beforemenconed be and are hereby repealed and
for ever hereafter to be voyde and of none effect.
An Act for amending the wayes out of Charles
County to the Citty of St Maries.
The passage over the head of Wiccocomico River being by
the overflowing of the Said River since the building of the Mill
there growne hardly passable and by that means daingerous
for Passengers for the ease and safety of Travellers & Security