Ordered tht the Lower house be Requested to send some
Answr to the Returne made by the Upper house to a Vote
sent in here touching the Continuance of the 2s p hhd to the
Cap. Genll during his naturall Life & the Secretarie desired to
make the sf Request who goeth forth accordinglie
Sent hither a Peticon from the Lower house Exhibited to
them by William Thomas & Elizabeth his Wife & Voted by
them to Peticon his Excelencie tht the st William Thomas may
have a License to Import into this Province out of Virginia as
manie horses mares or Colts not exceeding Sixe in number
Provided he Import them by the Twentie fifth of December
next Jt being a Portion given the st Elizabeth by her father &
this House Peticons his Excelencie accordinglie
Signed by Ordr
Robt Ridgely Clerke.
This house Concurreth in the graunt of the st Peticon of Wm
The House is Adjourned till 2. of the Clock
in the Afternoone.