ffriday the 22th of May The House met
Present as yesterday
The Members of this house appointed to Joyne in [Com-
mittee] wth the members of the Lower house doe goe forth
In Answr to the Vote of this house touching Ordina[ry]
Keepers Mr Loyd & Mr Hall are sent by the Lower [house]
wth the following Message Vizt This house doth Concu[rr
with] the Upper house in the within Specified Vote & Ord[ered
tht] the Upper house be desired tht the Comittee of both houses
[draw] up a Bill to tht Purpose to be sent to morrow morning
to the Upper house
Signed by ordr
Robt Ridgeley Clke
This House recvd by the hands of Cap. Burgesse & Mr
[Hall] the following Resolve of the Lower house Vizt Re-
solved [by] this house tht a Bill be drawne by the Comittee
That all Servts of what age soever tht are hereafter brought
into this Province be in Sixe Monthes after their Arrival in this