is Resolved tht the Lower house be requested to propound
some Certaine rules for the regulacon of the sd Proceedings to
be Considered of by this house
Signed by ordr
Ri. Boughton Clerke.
Mr Taylor sent by this House wth the following Vote vizt
Voted tht those who shall be found willfully to burne ffences
Shall be lyable to the same penalty as the Willfull Burners of
Houses & tht this Vote be sent to the Comittee appointed for
drawing up the List of Lawes for Proceedings in Criminal
Signed by ordr
Ri. Boughton Clke.
On which Vote was Endorsed an Ansr as followeth & sent
by Mr Hambleton & Mr Bishop vizt This House doth Con-
curr wth the Vote of the Upper house within menconed & tht
the Vote be Sent to the Comittee as within is directed
Signed by ordr Robt Ridgeley Clke
Mr Truman sent wth the following Vote of this house vizt
Voted tht Hogstealing by adjudged ffelony & the first Offence
only to be allowed the Benefit of Clergie, & the Second
Offence to be Felony without Clergie
Signed by ordr Ri: Boughton Clke