Which Answer was sent to the Lower House by Mr Brooke
The House Adjourned till nine of the Clock to Morrow
Tuesday 24th April 1666
At nine of the Clock the House met Present as before ex-
cept the Governt
Upon the Act for hog Stealers returned by the Lower house
was Endorsed viz. The Lower House have taken into Con-
sideration the last Answer of the Upper House to this Act
concerning Hogstealers do judge that double Damages will
not be so proper as a certain fine & further desires the Upper
House their Consideration further thereupon, & to signify their
full Determination in Concurrence therewith or otherwise
Wm Bretton Clk.
To which was Answered
The Upper House sees no cause to recede from their former
judgmt Viz. That damages is more proper & agreeable to
Law, to annex with corporal Punishment than fines. And the
Certainty lyes in the quantity of Hogs found out & not either
in the fines or Damages J: G:
Then was read the Act for building a Prison at St Marys &
sent to the Lower house
The House Adjourned till one of the Clock
The House met again Present as before
Then was sent an Act Entituled an Act for the Advance of
other Commoditys more staple than Tobo. An Act for En-
couragemt of Trade subscribed — The Lower House are desired
to debate this Act & to signify their Concurrence or otherwise
their Reasons why they cannot Consent J: G: