Annexed & an Order of the Lower house thereon Viz.
The Lower house have thought fit to allow Jno Lawson
Sherriff upon his Petition & Account tobo out of the
publick Levy to which Order the Upper house have assented.
with another paper viz.
In the Lower House of Assembly
That Whereas this House being informed that the Secre-
tary's Office was never well finished by Wm Smith, but that the
Writing and Records are subject to much damage upon the
least Wet or Rain, this House do therefore desire that the
Lieutent General & Council be desired to take some further
Course therein that Wm Smith be Constrained to amend &
compleat the same
Presented to the Upper House
Wm Bretton Clk.
Ordered by the Upper House that the Governour & Council
take care that W™ Smith at his own proper Charge do com-
pleat the Office & finish it so as to secure the Records from all
Rain & Snow
John Gittings Clk
Then came three Bills from the Lower House One Entituled
an Act prohibiting foreign Ingrossers The second Entituled
an prohibiting Commrs Sherriffs & Clerks to plead as Attornys
in their respective County Courts, The Third Entituled an Act
prohibiting the Office of Clerk & Sherriff to be officiated at one
& the same time. All which were Assented to by the Lower
House & ordered by the Upper House to be Ingrossed
Then came a Message from the Lower
House viz.
Monday the 23d April 1666
In the Lower House of Assembly
This House do humbly request that the Lieutenant General
& Upper House would please to signify to this House the day
of Sessions, for that the Ordinary can afford no longer Accom-
modation the Provisions being very near spent
Wm Bretton Clk.
The Upper House upon the receipt of the Message from the
Lower House desiring the Lieutenant General & Upper House