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sions of Assembly Jt is hereby Enacted by the Right honoble
the Lord Proprietary by and with the advice and Consent of
the upper and lower houses of this present generall Assembly,
That all and every of the aforesaid Acts doe commence and be
in force from the aforesaid 19th day of Aprill, being the last
day of the last Session aforesaid, except it be otherwise de-
clared and sett down in any of the aforesaid Acts, and those
Acts then to commence from the time therein limited, as alsoe
except any Act made the last Session of Assembly and By any
Act of this present generall Assembly repealed.
And Bee it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid That
all such horses, Mares, Geldings or Colts already and since
that act imported, or shall be hereafter imported into this Pro-
vince contrary to the true intent and meaneing of the said Act,
shall be forfeited as aforesaid, in whose possession soever they
shall be found or seized. .
And it is hereby further Enacted and ordained by the
authoritie aforesaid, that every Justice of the Peace, in his re-
spective County: as alsoe any Justice of the Peace of any City,
Town or Burrough Corporate, within their sd libties and pre-
cincts, are hereby impowered to issue forth his or their warrants
for the seizure of all such horses, Mares, Geldings or Colts as
shall be imported, when thereunto requested by him or them
that shall informe any of the said Justices of the same, hereby
further requireing the said Justices to binde such Jnformer or
Jnformers in a penall Bond of double the value of the aforesaid
horses Mares, Geldings and Colts to sue and prosecute the
same at the next County Court, or Court of the City, Towne,
or Burrough Corporate where such seizure shall be made.
And Bee it Likewise Enacted and ordained by the authority
aforesaid, The Commissionrs of the severall and respective
County Courts, and the Justices of Citys, Townes, Burroughs,
Burroughs Corporate within this Province are hereby im-
powered and authorized to Judge and determine of all such
offences against this Act committed, Notwithstanding any
Limitation in their Commission exprest and declared.
Bee it alsoe Enacted That the aforesaid halfe part shall be
to him or them that shall seize and informe of the same, any
thing in the aforesaid Law to the contrary notwithstanding.
And Be it further Enacted and Ordained by the authority
aforesaid That the said Act made the last Session of Assembly
with all the aforesaid Clauses, amendments and Explanacons
bee and continue in force for the terme of three yeares, or to
the end of the next Sessions of Assembly which shall first