An Act for Explanacon of one Clause in an Act
Entituled An Act prohibiting the importacon
of all horses, mares, geldings and Colts into
this Province, with addition and amendment
Whereas at the first Session of this Assembly held at St
Maries the 27th day of March, in the 39th year of the dominion
of Caecilius &c. Annoq Dom. 1671, and there continued untill
the 19th day of Aprill then next following, for diverse reasons
and Consideracons to the Right honoble the Lord Proprietary
of this Province and the upper and Lower houses appeareing,
it was enacted and ordained by the said Lord Propry, by and
with the advice and consent of the said upper and Lower
houses of the said Assemblie, and by the authoritie of the same,
Liber W H
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That no person or persons whatsoever from and after the end
of this Assembly shall import or bring into this Province, by
Sea or Land, any horses, mares, geldings or Colts from any
forreign Parts whatsoever, under the penalty of forfeiting all
such horses, geldings, mares and Colts soe by him, or them
imported or brought in as aforesaid, or the full value thereof:
one halfe to the Lord Proprietary: the other halfe to the in-
former, or him or them that shall seize the same. To be re-
covered in any Court of Record within this Province by Bill,
Plaint or Informacon wherein no Essoine, Proteccon or wager
of Law to be allowed. This act to continue for three years, or
to the end of the next general Assembly wch shall first happen.
And for that his Excellencie Charles Calvert Esqr Capt genll
and chief Governed under the said Lord Prop! was graciously
pleased to prorogue the same Assembly untill the tenth day of
this instant October, and not to desolve the same And for
that severall doubts and scruples have since the prorogacon of
the same Assembly arisen, and are like to arise in the Province
amongst diverse the inhabitants thereof touching the time
when the said Act should commence and begin to be in force.
And for that severall numbers and companies of horses have
been since the prorogacon of the said Assembly, imported and
brought into this Province, And whereas at the makeing of the
said Law, it was the intent of the upper and Lower houses of
the said Assembly, the said Act should commence and begin
to be in force at the day of the end of that Session of Assem-
bly, vizt the 19th day of Aprill, in the 39th year of his said
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