shall for ever hereafter be accounted good and avayleable in
Law to barr the heirs or Executors of such vendors Donors or
grantors and all persons Claimeing dower from any such ven-
dors donors or grantors any error in the forme onely of such
writeings to the Contrary Notwithstanding And forasmuch as
divers assignments of Pattents written on the back side of
such Patents for land are now worne out and alsoe many other
Seales in Paper either worne out or quite lost for which the
purchase money hath been bona fide paid Bee itt further En-
acted by the Authority aduice and Consent aforesaid That all
Sales Guifts or grants heretofore made by persons that Right
had as aforesaid where either the Sale guift or grant or pay-
ment Bona fide made can be proved by wittness such Sales
shall for ever hereafter be accounted good and avayleable in
the Law to barr the heirs and Executors of such vendors
Donors or grantors or other persons Claymeing Dower from
any such vendors Donors or grantors any law Custome or
vsage to the Contrary hereof Notwithstanding.
An Act against Hogstealers
Whereas the Act made att a Generall Sessions of Assembly
the tenth day of Aprill 1666 Requires an amendment in
Severall clauses thereof Bee itt therefore Enacted and Bee itt
Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Propry by and with the
Assent of the upper and lower house of this present Generall
Assembly that whosoever shall be proved or Convicted either
by wittnes Confession or otherwise as principall or accessary
to haue killed any hoggs in the woods or upon a Plantacon or
otherwise and to haue Cutt of the Eares thereby to deface or
otherwise to alter the marke shall be Reputed as a Hogg
stealer & suffer as a hogg stealer And he alsoe that shall kill
in the woods or elce where any Hogg or hoggs not being his
owne or shall secretly Carry them away with purpose to Con-
ceale them shall be adjudged a Hoggstealer vnlesse he shall
Cutt of Sufficient of the flesh or Skinn Ioyning with both eares
Evidently thereby to demonstrate whose hoggs they were and
shall alsoe Naile and hang the same upp in Publick view for
the space of one whole moneth att the least And Bee itt fur-
ther Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every person or
persons either as principall or accessary that shall privately
kill or carry a way any young Piggs or vnmarkt Shoates not