Endeauoured to be Recovered in or by any such bill bond
accOn suite debt Iudgment Extent Seizure or Execucon before
mentioned the one moyty whereof to be to his Lordship his
heirs and successors Lords and Proprietaryes of this Prouince
and the other moyty to the party or parties grieued by such
Covinous and fraudulent Practice to be Recovered in the Pro-
uinciall Court of this Prouince by accon of debt Bill plaint
Informacon wherein noe Essoyne proteccon or wager of Law
shall be admitted And alsoe being thereof lawfully Convicted
shall Suffer imprisonment by the Space of one halfe yeare
without Baile or mainprize
Provided alwayes and Bee itt Enacted by the Authority and
by and with the aduice and Consent aforesaid That this act or
any thing therein Conteyned shall not Extend to make voyd
any grant bargain Sale Alienacon Conveyance Charge Estate
lease demise assignment or other title or Interest of in to or out
of any lands Tenements or hereditaments goods or Chatties had
made Charged Conveyed Recovered transferred obteyned or
assigned which is are or shall be upon good Consideration and
Bona fide Really and truely & Lawfully had made Charged
Conveyed Recovered transferred obteyned or assigned to any
person or persons Bodyes Pollitick or Corporatt not haveing att
the tyme of the makeing Executeing takeing Receiveing Charg-
ing obteyning accepting or vesting of the same in him or them
any manner of notice or knowledge of any such Covin fraud
collucon or practice as is before mentioned any thing herein
before Conteyned to the Contrary Notwithstanding.
An Act for quietting possessions
For as much as in the Beginning of this Plantacon and till
of late yeares there never was any Settled Course of Convey-
ing lands Tenements or hereditaments from man to man in
this Prouince by Reason whereof the titles of divers persons
haue bona fide bought and paid for lands become doubtfull and
thence arises divers Suites att Law to the great losse of divers
Inhabitants of this Prouince Wee the delegates and deputies
of the freemen of this Prouince in this present Generall As-
sembly Doe pray that itt may be Enacted and be itt Enacted
by the Right Honble the Lord and Proprietary of this Prouince
by and with the aduice and Consent of the upper and lower