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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 182   View pdf image
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182 Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669.

U. H.

p. 152

Then came two Members from the Lower House with this
following paper viz.
26th April 1669
Ordered by this House that Mr Robert Slye and Mr Withers
do carry this Message to the Upper House in answer to the
paper writing brought last by Wm Calvert Esqe that this House
do assure the honble the Upper House that if they will under-
take & assure Us as much as in them lyes that the pressures
and Grievances by this House to them presented shall be re-
medyed and redressed and join in Petition with this House to
his Lordship for that purpose this House will unanimously join
with them in relation to the other publick Affairs and when
these Pressures are removed We will raze our Journal as by
the Upper House is desired
Signed by order Robt Carvile Clk.

The last Clause of this paper the Upper House doth not
understand and therefore desires the Lower House to ex-
plain it
Signed by order of the House
John Gittings Clk of the Assembly

The Sense of this House is that till our Pressures are really
redressed We cannot raze our Journal
Signed by order of the Lower House
Robert Carvile Clk —

The House Adjourned till to Morrow Morning

Tuesday the 27th April 1669

Present Charles Calvert Esqe Philip Calvert Esqe

Jerome White Baker Brooke & Wm. Calvert Esqe

Ordered that a Member of this House be sent to the Lower
House to know their last Resolution whither they will raze out
of their Journal the three first Articles of the paper stiled the
publick Grievances & the Votes thereupon made if they do
resolve not to do it to require them to come into the Upper
House to know the Governour's further pleasure
The abovesd Message being sent by William Calvert Esqe
& no Answer thereupon returned by the Lower House
The Lieutenant General sent one of the Members of this
House to summon them into the Upper House
Then came the whole Lower House & desired three hours
time more to Consider of the order sent to them this day by
the Upper House, Which was Allowed.
Then one of the Members of the Lower House in the
presence of the whole House said that it was the Sense of the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 182   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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