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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 181   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 181

abundant Grace and Goodness will not exercise any of his just
Rights & royal Jurisdictions to the Aggrievance & Oppression
of the good people of his Province when he shall be given to
Understand that any of them in the manner wherein now Ex-
ercised are indeed so ; God forbid that We should upon meere
Niceties Criticisms and formalitys of Words be found to be
Accountable to God and the Country for the ill Success of this
meeting We shall be willing to have our Journal Contra-
dicted, expunged, obliterated, burnt, anything, and to have our
Grievances appear in any form or dress of words most pleas-
ing to yourselves if We might be assured that the Weight &
pressure of them under which the Country groans & cryes
might be removed
Signed by order of the House
Robt Carvile ak-
in answer to the paper received now from the Speaker We say
that We are very glad to see the Lower House inclinable to wave
their former Proceedings and to come something towards
Agreemt therefore to wast no further time We desire first that
they take that Vote of their Journal (according to their profession
in their paper dated 26th Instant) by which 20th Instant they voted
it a Grievance that there was no Person in this Province suffi-
ciently impowered to Confirm the Laws.
2. To take off that Vote by which they voted a Grievance
that his Lordship had dissassented to the Act for quietting
Possessions and the rest of the Acts in that Instrument of dis-
assent comprised
3. That they take of that Vote from their Journal by which
they Voted the raising the last Years Levy to be against the
Lord Proprietors Charter the Laws of the Province & Consent
of the Freemen together with the subsequent Votes that
asserted these three Things to be Grievances
This We Conceive to be your promise in the paper delivered
Us As to the hint You gave Us of the Exercising his Lordship's
Rights to the Aggrievance & Oppression of the good People
We shall be ready to give satisfaction in anything
This House doth further assure the Lower House that if
they will join with Us or join a Committee of theirs with an-
other of our House in drawing up an Act sufficiently impower-
ing the Governour & Council here to protect the people in
their Lives & Estates in Case of sedition Tumults or Invasion
whither foreign or domestick, which is all We desire, The Gov-
ernour will present the said Law so to be drawn to the Lord
Proprietary & upon his Assent to it to procure his the said Lord
Proprietors Repeale of the former, Upon your Complyance here-
with We doubt not of a right Understanding between the two
Houses which is We heartily wish & desire

U. H.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 181   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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