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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 159   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 159

Then Came two members of the lower howse & desired that
the Chancellor would be pleased to transmitt the Pattent where
by the Lord Proprietary houlds this Province to the lower
howse their pervsall. Where vpon the Chancellor demanded
where the lower howse was sitting. To which they answered
in a howse neere adjoyning to the howse of Assembly. Where-
vpon by advice of the howse the Chancellor tould them that
he could not owne them to be the lower howse of Assembly
without they were sitting in their vsuall place which was ap-
poynted by the Gove[rnor] vnles they had licence from him to
adjourne to some other place which as yett was vnkno[wne] to
this howse
Present the Governor
Then came two Members from the lower howse & desired
leave of the Governor to adjourne into another howse which
was grant [ed]

U. H.

Then came 3 Members of the lower howse & desired to have
a coppy of the Lord Propys pattent for this Province that they
may the better proceed & not intrench vpon his lops preroga-
To which was answered

That they might haue a coppy thereof in the morning

The howse adjourn'd till to morrow morn,
nine of the Clock being at the howse
where Mr Williams kept his store

firyday 16th Apr. 1669

Present the honoble Charles Calvert Esqr
Philip Calvert Esqr
Jerome White Baker Brooke, Tho: Trueman and Wm Cal-
vert EsqT
Then was sent to the lower howse the coppy of the lord
Proprs Charter.
Wm Calvert Esqr sayth that Charles Nicholett in his sermon
on Wednesday last to the lower howse did say that they should
beware of that Sin of permission & that they were now chosen
or Elected both by God & man & have a power putt into their
hands. The Country has often had an Assembly but never an
assembly that soe greate expectacons were as from this he
could haue wisht that they had read the proceedings of the
Commons of England to see what brave things they had done
& now let me beg of you to Consider the poore people for the
Lord will heare their cause you are not vnsensible how heavy
the Tax was vpon them the last yeare therefore let me desire
of you to beware of that sin of permission for it is an old say-

p. 288

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 159   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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