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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 158   View pdf image
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158 Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669.

U. II.


of arrests & sumons for the Wittnesses by all Sherriffs & a rule
for entring accons & fyleing accons & petns one other act
Entituled an act for proceedings at lawe one other act Entituled
an act for seateing of lands in Baltemore County, one other act
Entituled an act providing what shall be good Evidence vpon
bills bonds & specialtys comeing out of England & other parts
& one other act Entituled an act concerning paymt of debts
due by bill All & singuler which said seurall and respective
acts wee doe disapprove off and dissassent vnto, And wee doe
by theis prsents vnder our hand & Seale publish and declare
our dissassent vnto & disapprobacon of all & singuler the sd
severall & respective acts & of all and every the articles
Clauses and thinges in them every or any of them menconed
Expressed and contayned, Given vnder our hand & seale at
Armes 16th ffeb. in the 34th yeare of our dominion over our Sd
Province & in the yeare of our Lord God according to the
acco now vsed in England 1665.

The howse adjourned till to morrow
morning 9 of the Clock

Thursday 9 of the Clock
Present as Before

The howse adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the

The howse mett againe
Present as in the morning except the Governor

p. 287

Then came Tho: Notley and Jno Morecroft Gent. & inform'd
the howse that they being Delegates for St Marys County were
attending the meeting of the lower howse of Assembly in the
vsuall place of meeting appoynted by the Governor in the
howse purchast by the Province for the houlding of Assemblys
& administracon of Justice tht they were from thence warned
to attend the lower howse in an other place not appoynted by
the Governed which they had refused to doe till they had licence
from the Governor [soe] to doe, or from the Chancellor Speaker
of the Vpper howse as Representing the Governors p[son].

To which was answered
That this howse did approve of their attenda[nce] in the
vsuall place of meeting for the lower howse & declared their
opinion that they ought not to attend the lower howse in any
other place till the lower howse had licence to adjourne them-
selves to some other place from the Governor which was not
yet had nor [could] be yet Granted by the Chancellor as not
representing the Governors person.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 158   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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