thither and noe former lawe hath made provision for the
Regulacon thereof Be itt therefore Enacted by the Rt honoble
the Lord Proprietary by and with the assent of the vpper and
Lower house of this present generall assembly that from and
after the publicacon hereof noe Ordinary Keeper Inholder or
other person keeping a Victually howse or house of Enter-
teynmt shall for the future Sell or be allowed for ffrench brandy
not above one hundred and twenty pounds of tobacco p gal-
lon wine measure & french wyne forty p Gallon Canary and
Malligoe 100l of tob. p gallon All Sorts of Madera ffyall
Porto port and other Portugall wine Sixty p gallon all Strong
Cider twenty p gallon Clarrett 40 p gatton strong beere or
Ale either made within this Province or brought from fforreign
Parts twenty p gallon Rumm 80ty p gallon English Spriritts
coming in cases 30ty p bottle dutch dramms as Anniseed Rosa
Solis at sixty p gallon Perry and Quince drink thirty p gallon
For dyett 10l of tobo. p meale & for lodging for every pson
that is accomodated with a Bed foure pounds p night & the
like Rates every Ordinary keeper is hereby enjoyned to
observe for a greater or lesser Quantity of the aforesaid Sorts
of drinks & shall not take nor be allowed more thn the Limi-
tacon before Specified And be itt alsoe further Enacted by
the authority aforesaid that every Ordinary Keeper Inholdr or
other Victualler within this Province keeping a house of Enter-
teynmt tht shall for the future exact more either for drinks
dyett or Lodging then what is allowed them in this act shall
not only lose every such debt as shall by sufficient proofe ap-
peare to be vnjustly charged contrary to the true intent and
meaning of this act but also forfeite five hundred pounds of
tobacco the one halfe to the Lord Propr the other halfe to the
Informer or him or them that shall sue for the same in any
Court of Record in this Province either by accon of debt bill
plaint or Informacon wherein no Essoyne proteccon or wager
of law to be allowed This act to Endure for thre yeares or
to the End of the next generall assembly which shall first come
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53