of the parties And if any Master or Servant aforesaid be
aggreived With the determinacon of the Court he shall within
the time determined for their service produce an Authentiqe
wr. of such serveants age & shall haye remydy to the ages afore-
menconed. And be itt further Enacted by the authority afore-
said that noe Jndenture made by any Servant during the time
of Service due by former Indenture or by determinacon of the
Court according to the tenor of this act shall any waies Oblige
any Servant for longer tyme then by his first Indenture or
determinacon of the Court shall be Limitted and appointed
Provided tht this act nor any thing therein conteyned shall not
give or be construed to give any benefitt to any Slave what-
soever And be itt further Enacted by the authority aforesd
that all former acts or Lawes made lymiting Servts tymes are
& be hereby Repealed
An addiconall Act to the Lawe
Entituled an act for the Publicacon of
Whereas by the lawe of this Province either Minister or
Majestrate may Joyne People in Marriages & noe forme of
words certeyne is vsed by tht by which the consent of the
parties may appeare. Bee itt Enacted by the Rt honoble the Lord
Prop! by & with the advice & consent of the vpper and Lower
house of this present Generall assembly that all Ministers &
Majestrates who according to the law of this province doe
vsually Joyne people in marriage shall Joyne them in this
Manner & by or in those words the man taking the woman by
the Rt hand shall say I AB doe take thee CD to my wedded
wife To have and to hould from this day forward for befter for
worse for Rich or for Poore in Sickness & in health till death
us do part and thereto I plight thee my troth which being
finished he shall lett her hand goe then the woman taking the
man by the Rt hand I CD take thee AB to my wedded hus-
band To have and to hold from this day forward for better for
worse for Rich or for poore in sickness in health till death us
do part and thereto I plight thee my troth which being finished
the Minister or Majestrate shall say I being herevnto by law
authorised doe pronounce you lawfull man and wife This act
to endure for three yeares or to the End of the next generall
An Acct Limiting Ordinary Keepers
Whereas divers Ordinary keepers within this Province doe
frequently exact & charge excessive Rates for their drinke
virtually & lodging for accomodacon of persons resorting