Sufficient notice of such their intencon and whereas there is a
Law of this Province which obligeth all persons who shall trans-
porte any freeinds out of this province tht are indebted to
satisfy all such debts vnles such debts be satisfied other wise or
the pty indebted brought into the province within the tyme
limitted by that act. Be itt therefore Enacted by the Right
honobls the Lord Propr by and with the assent of the vpper and
Lower house of this present generall assembly tht for the future
whosoever shall intend to departs this province is hereby
obliged to give notice of such his intended departure by Setting
up his name att the Sectary's Office for the full Space of three
whole months & that within that tyme noe person shall vnder
write any one soe setting up his name as aforesaid itt shall then
vpon certificate had & produced from the Clk of the Proall
Court of the true performance thereof be Lawfull for his Lops
Gournor of this Province for the time being to Signe any passe
for any such persons as aforesaid This act to endure three
yeares or to the End of the next generall assembly
An Act providing agt Runna-
waies & all such as shall Enterteyne them
Whereas there was an act provided ag? Runnawaies made in
the yeare 1650 & another act made in the yeare 1662 both
which acts being adjudged insufficient Satisfaccon for the
reparacon of their Respective Masters Mrssrse Dames or oeer-
seers damages susteyned by their servt running from them. Be
itt Enacted by the Rt honoble the Lord Propry by & wth the
consent of the vpper and Lower house of this present generall
assembly that from and after the publicacon hereof any Servt
or Servts whatsoever vnlawfully absenting thmselves from their
said Master Mistress dame or overseer shall serve for eury day
10 And be itt further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that
any Master Mistress dame or overseer tht shall entertaine any-
servant Vnlawfully absenting himselfe as aforesd having been
forewarned by the Master Mistress dame or Overseer of the
said Servant shall be fined for the first night five hundred
pounds of Casked tobacco for the Second one thousand pounds
of casked tobacco for every other night fifteen hundred pounds
of casked tobaccoe the one halfe to the Lord Propry the other to
the Informer or him or them that shall sue for the same within
any Court of Record within this province to be Recoverd by
accOn of debt bill plaint or Informacon wherein no Essoyne
protection or wager of Lawe to be allowed Provided that this
Act nor anything therein conteyned shall not be adjudged to
the predudice of any person or persons that shall apprehend
any Runaway servants who are hereby required to vse the best