rest of your Lops Orators are not of British or Irish Dissent
they cannot take beinfitt of the Laws and customs of this Pro-
vince as other the good people of this Province of British or
Irish dissent may to their great losse prejudice & hinderace as
alsoe to the deterring of divers others of the forreign neons
aforesaid from coming into this province and by consequence
foreslowing the peopleing of this Province with usefull Artificers
& handicrafts men Itt may therefore please yor Lop of your
abundant goodness & wonted care of and over this province
that it might be ordeyned & Enacted by your Lop with the
assent of the vpper and Lower house of this prest genall assem-
bly That your Lop humble peticoners and every of them shall
from henceforth be adjudged reputed & taken as Nrall borne
people of this Province of Maryland And also tht they and every
of thm shall and may henceforth by the same authority be
(established) Enabled & adjudged able to all intents and con-
structions to Demand challenge aske have hold and enjoy lands
tenemts hereditamts and rents within this Province as heire or
heires to any of their ancestors by reason of any dissent in ffee
simple or ffee tayle generall or Speciall or Remaynder vpon
any ffee tayle generall or Speciall or come to them or any of
them by any dissent in fee simple ffee tayle generall or Speciall
or remaynder vpon any Estate Tayle as aforesaid or by any
other lawfull Conveyances or meanes whatsoever, as if they and
every of them had been borne within this province or were of
Brittish or Irish dissent aforesaid And alsoe that they and
every of them from henceforth may and shall be enabled to
presente maynteyne and avowe Justify & defend all manner of
accons Suites plaints & other demands whatsoever as liberally
frankly fully lawfully securely & freely as if they & every of
them had beene Naturaly borne within this Province of Mary-
land or were of British or Irish dissent & as any other person
or persons naturally borne within this Province or of British or
Irish dissent may many wise lawfully doe any Law provisoe act
or custom of this Province or Other thing whatsoever had made
ordeyned or done within this province to the contry hereof not
And your pet. shall pray
The vpper house has assented
The Lower house has assented
Signed Wm Bretton John Gitting
Clk. Clke
An Act giving Passes to persons that are to de-
part this Province.
Forasmuch as hitherto there hath been noe law provided
Obliging persons tht intend to depart this Province to give