P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53
An Act for Ferrys.
Whereas seuerall Inhabitants of this province but Especially
the Inhabitants of St Marys and Charles County haue suffred
much Loss of time by procuringe of passages ouer St Georges
and Wiccoconu Riuers as their seuerall occasions and Intentions
may Require (there beinge noe Certaine ferry Erected and
Allowed ouer either the sd riuers Bee itt Enacted by the
Right honnole the lord proprietory of this prouince wth the
assent and aprobation of the vper and Lower howse of this
Genll Assembly That the Coms of St Maryes County take
serious care that a Conuenient boate 14 foote or therabouts by
the Keele be built or purchased for the passinge any person or
persons (trauelinge on foote) ouer St. George's Riuer, And
Com! in Charles County in Like manner take care for the
buildinge or purchasinge such other boate of 14 foote or ther-
abouts by the Keele for conueying any p sons whatsoever
trauelinge on foote ouer Wiccoconu Riuer, wch sd ferrys the
Coms of each County as aforesd shall procure & see sett up
kept and mayntayned in the most Conuenient place in either
of the sd Riuers by the last day of nouembr next after the
publication hereof upon perill of forfeitinge to the Lord pro-
prietor and his heyres for either of their neglects Respectiuely
three thousand pounds of Tobacco in Caske And for as much
as those who ferryes ouer St Georges and Wiccoconu Riuer
hath respect in a manner wholy to St Marys and Charles County
Bee itt therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesd that both
the sd Countyes bee equally and joyntlye charged wth the
yearly mayntayninge both the sd fferyes and bee added to the
Leavy in each Respectiue County euery yeare. And bee itt