alsoe further enacted by the Authority as aforesd in Regard of
the great Difficultye of gettinge or procuringe Passadge ouer
Pataxt Riuer that the Com3 of Calvart County take alsoe
Care for the buildinge or procuringe a boate of Eighteen
foote by the Keele or therabouts fitt for the transportinge
men and horses for the passinge or conueyinge ouer all
passengers whatsoever wth their horses trauelinge either on
foote or on horse back, the Charges of wch Boate and fferry
shal be wholy mayntayned and defrayed by the Inhabitants
of that County by Assessmt upon the whole Countye wch
the Comissioners of that County are hereby Impouered to
assesse upon the County And bee itt farther Enacted that the
Coms of the sd County doe prouide the sd boate by the last day
of ffebT next ensuinge upon perill of fine to the Lord Pro-
prietr and his heyres to the Vallue of foure Thousand pounds
of Tobacco for such their neglect therein. And the keepers
of the sd fferryes shal set ouer any one whatsoever requiringe
passadge att any time of the day (if not hindred through vio-
lence of weather, betweene Sun Risinge and Sun Settinge
upon perill of such penaltye and forfeyture as the Com! of
each Countye Court before whome Complt being made of the
dammage sustayned by any one not having passadge in such
convenient time shall adjudge. This Act to endure for three
years or to the end of the next Genll Assembly.
The uper House haue Assented
John Gittings clke
The lower house haue Assented
Wm Bretton clke
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. S3