426 Assembly Proceeditigs, April 1662.
U. H.
Assembly at the tyme and place prefixed there to advise and
Consulte with us touching the important affayres of our Pro-
vince Giuen at St Marys the 18th day of February in the
thirtyth yeare of our dominion over the said Province Annoq.
domini 1661
The like to Robert Clarke Esqr
The like to Baker Brooke Esqr
The like to Edward Lloyd Esqr
The like to John Bateman Esqr
The like to James Neale Esqr
The like to Henry Coursey Esqr
The like to Philip Calvert Esqr Deputy Governor
p. 119
At an Assembly begun at St Marys the
first of Aprill 1662
Present Charles Calvert Esqr Leivetennt Generall
Philip Calvert Esqr Deputy Leivett and Chancellor
Henry Sewall Esqr Secretary
and Robert Clarke Esqr Councellor
St Marys Then appeared as Burgesses for S! Marys County
County Coll: William Evans Luke Gardner Thomas Tur-
ner and Richard Willan: Gentlemen.
Kent County Capt Robert Vaughan and Richard Blunt,
Calvert County Richard Preston and Capt Thomas Man-
ning gent Leivetennt Thomas Trueman
and Richard Smith
Ann Arrundell County Robert Burle Richard Beard and
Ralph Hawkins gent.
Charls County Zachary Wade, gent
Baltemore County Coll. Nathaniell Vtye Capt Thomas
Stockett. gent
Taibott County Leivetennt Richard Woollman gent.
In the prsence of whome the Leivetennt Generall in the name
of the Lord Proprietary declared his Lops Assent to the Repeale
of the Acte for customes made at St Innagoo 1646 and then
Licenced the Burgesses to departe to choose their Speaker
After which came Mr John Bateman and Mr Baker Brooke who
were hundred by the Weather.
Mr Lloyd by Sicknes Mr Henry Coursey vpon vrgent occa-
sions excused.