February 8th 1661
Csecilius Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Barren of Baltemore &c To the
Sherriffe of St Marys County Greeting whereas by the advice
and Consent of our Councell Wee haue determined to hould
an Assembly of the Freemen of our Province at St Marys
vpon the first of Aprill next ensueing there to Consider of cer-
taine things concerning the State and welfare of this our Pro-
vince of Maryland Wee Command you Nicholas Gwyther
Sherriffe of St Marys County that makeing Proclamacon as
soone as Conveniently may be after the receipt of this writt,
att the discrecon of the Freemen of yor County you cause one
two three or foure discreete Burgesses to be elected to Serue
in the said Assembly There to doe and Consent to such things
as by Comon Consent hoppen to be ordeined and Enacted in
the businesses aforesaid Soe that through want of sufficient
power or inconsiderate Eleccon of the aforesaid Burgesses the
businesses aforesaid may not remayne undone or neglected
And make yr retourne of this writt into the Secrrs office by the
20th day of March next Giuen at St Marys the 18th of .Feb-
ruary in the 30th yeare of our dominion over the sd. Province
Annoq. dmni 1661
The like writt issued eodem die to the Sherriffe of Calvert
The like to the Sherriffe of Charles County
The like to the Sherriffe of Anne Arrundell County
The like to the Sherriffe of Kent County
The like to the Sherriffe of Baltemore County
The like to the Sherriffe of Talbott County
U. H.
p. 117