An Acte for the appoyntmt of Certaine
Be it Enacted by the Lord Proprietary of this Province by
and with the Consent of the Vpper and lower howse of this
prsent Generall Assembly, that the Justices of peace in every
County at the first County Courte held after michas shall nomi-
nate and appoynte some Inhabitants in every hundred or Con-
stablery not being of the Councell or by his office or Employ-
ment otherwise priviledged to be Constable of that Hundred
or Constablery whoe shall Execute all pr[cepts] and Warrants
to him directed And shall in all thinges h[aue] the like power
within the said Hundred or Constabler[y tht] any Constable
hath or ought to have in a Constablery [in] England by the
lawe or Custome of England The said Con[sta]ble shall take
oathe in mannor and forme following (viz)
You shall sweare that you shall well and truely Serve his
Lop. in the office of Constable you shall see and cause that his
Lops peace be well and duely kept according to yor power yor
shall arrest all such persons as in yor prsence shall Comitt or
make any Ryott affray or other Breach of his Lop? peace yo"
shall doe yor best Endeavor vpon Complaynte to yor made to
apprehend all fellons Barretters Ryotters or persons riotously
Assembled And if any such offender shall make any such Re-