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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly January 1637/8-September 1664
Volume 1, Page 409   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1661. 409

An Acte lymiting Servants tymes

Whereas certaine differences too frequently arise betwixt
Masters and Servants in this Province in and aboute the tyme
of Services and Customes often pleaded on both sides in this

U. H.

minority of Seateing for prevencon of the like It is Enacted
And be it enacted by the Lord Proprietary with the Consent
of the upper and lower howse of this prsent generall Assembly
that every Servant transported into this Province after the end
of this Assembly being of the full age of twenty and two yeares
or vpwards not haueing Indenture or other sufficient testimony
for the tearme or tyme of his or her comeing in, such servant
shall serue him or her that transported and payd the passage of
the said Servant or their Assigns from and after their first Arrivall
into this Province the full tyme of foure yeares if Betweene the
age of Eighteene and two and twenty yeares such Servant
shall Serue five yeares if Betwixt the age of fifteene and Eigh-
teene such Servant shall serue six yeares And any Servant of
what age soever vnder fifteene yeares and coming in as afore-
said shall serve till he or she Arrive to the age of one and
twenty yeares.
And be it further Enacted that every Master Mistres or
Dame Assigne or Trustee of what kind soeuer owneing or
keepeing any such Servant as aforesaid whether by vertue of
transportacon purchase or otherwise shall within three moneths
next after the Receiueing such Seruant into their Custody within
this Province bring the said Servant into their respectiue County
Courte where they doe inhabite And every of the said Courts
are hereby authorized to Judge of and determine the age of
such Servants soe brought and cause the same to be Entred
vpon Record And every Owner as aforesaid neglecting or re-
fuseing to bring such Servant or Servants before the Courte as
aforesaid shall loose one yeares tyme of Service of the direc-
cons aforesaid And if any Master or Servant aforesaid be
aggreiued with the determinacon of the Courte He shall with-
in the tyme determined for their Service produce an authentick

p. 98

Certifficatt of such Servants age and shall haue remedy accord-
ing to the ages aforemenconed
And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid that noe
Indenture made by any Servant during the tyme of Service
due by former Indenture or by determinacon of the Courte
according to the tenor of this acte shall any wise oblige any
Servt for longer tyme then by his first Indents or determinacon
of the cort shall be lymited and appoynted. Provided that this
Acte nor anything there in conteyned shall not Giue or be con-
strued to give any Benefitt to any Slaue whatsoever

p. 99

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly January 1637/8-September 1664
Volume 1, Page 409   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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