Liber A
aforesaid, That in Every such case the ptie soe offending
shall for the first and second offence in that kinde be imprisoned
till hee or shee shall publickly in open Court before the cheife
Commander Judge or Magistrate, of that County Towne or
precinct where such offence shalbe committed acknowledg the
Scandall and offence he hath in that respect given against God
p. 270
and the good and civill Governemt of this Province And for
the third offence and for every time after shall also bee
publickly whipt. And whereas the inforceing of the conscience
in matters of Religion hath frequently fallen out to be of
dangerous Consequence in those commonwealthes where it
hath been practised, And for the more quiett and peaceable
governemt of this Province, and the better to pserve mutuall
Love and amity amongst the Inhabitants thereof. Be it There-
fore also by the Lo: Proprietary with the advise and consent of
this Assembly Ordeyned & enacted (except as in this psent
Act is before Declared and sett forth) that noe person or psons
whatsoever within this Province, or the Islands, Ports, Harbors,
Creekes, or havens thereunto belonging professing to beleive in
Jesus Christ, shall from henceforth bee any waies troubled,
Molested or discountenanced for or in respect of his or her
religion nor in the free exercise thereof within this Province or
the Islands thereunto belonging nor any way compelled to the
beleife or exercise of any other Religion against his or her
consent, soe as they be not unfaithfull to the Lord Proprietary,
or molest or conspire against the civill Governemt established
or to bee established in this Province vnder him or his heires.
And that all & every pson and psons that shall presume Con-
trary to this Act and the true intent and meaning thereof
directly or indirectly either in person or estate willfully to
wrong disturbe trouble or molest any person whatsoever with-
in this Province professing to beleive in Jesus Christ for or in
respect of his or her religion or the free exercise thereof with-
in this Province other than is provided for in this Act that such
pson or psons soe offending, shalbe compelled to pay trebble
damages to the party soe wronged or molested, and for every
such offence shall also forfeit 20s sterling in money or the value
thereof, half thereof for the vse of the Lo: Proprietary, and
his heires Lords and Proprietaries of this Province, and the
other half for the vse of the party soe wronged or molested as
aforesaid, Or if the ptie soe offending as aforesaid shall refuse
or bee vnable to recompense the party soe wronged, or to
satisfy such ffyne or forfeiture, then such Offender shalbe
severely punished by publick whipping & imprisonmt during
the pleasure of the Lord Proprietary, or his Leivetenat or
cheife Governor of this Province for the tyme being without
baile or maineprise And bee it further alsoe Enacted by the