imprisoned as before is expressed. And that every pson or
psons before mentioned offending herein the third time, shall
for such third Offence forfeit all his lands and Goods and bee
for ever banished and expelled out of this Province. And be
it also further Enacted by the same authority advise and assent
that whatsoever pson or psons shall from henceforth vppon any
occasion of Offence or otherwise in a reproachful manner or
Way declare call or denominate any pson or psons whatsoever
inhabiting residing traffiqueing trading or comerceing within
this Province or within any the Ports, Harbors, Creeks or Havens
to the same belonging an heritick, Scismatick, Idolater, puritan,
Independant, Prespiterian popish prest, Jesuite, Jesuited papist,
Lutheran, Calvenist, Anabaptist, Brownist, Antinomian, Barro-
wist, Roundhead, Sepatist, or any other name or terme in a
reproachfull manner relating to matter of Religion shall for
every such Offence forfeit and loose the some or tenne shillings
sterling or the value thereof to bee levyed on the goods and
chattells of every such Offender and Offenders, the one half
thereof to be forfeited and paid unto the person and persons
of whom such reproachfull words are or shalbe spoken or
vttered, and the other half thereof to the Lord Proprietary and
his heires Lords and Proprietaries of this Province, But if such
pson or psons who shall at any time vtter or speake any such
reproachfull words or Language shall not have Goods or
Chattells sufficient and overt within this Province to bee taken
to satisfie the penalty aforesaid or that the same bee not other-
wise speedily satisfyed, that then the pson or persons soe
offending shalbe publickly whipt, and shall suffer imprisonmt
without baile or maineprise vntill hee shee or they respectively
shall satisfy the party soe offended or greived by such reproach-
full Language by asking him or her respectively forgivenes
publiquely for such his Offence before the Magistrate or cheife
Officer or Officers of the Towne or place where such Offence
shalbe given. And be it further likewise Enacted by the Au-
thority and consent aforesaid That every person and persons
within this Province that shall at any time hereaiter pphane
the Sabbath or Lords day called Sunday by frequent swearing,
drunkennes or by any uncivill or disorderly recreacon, or by
working on that day when absolute necessity doth not require
it shall for every such first offence forfeit 2s 6d sterling or the
value thereof, and for the second offence 5s sterling or the
value thereof, and for the third offence and soe for every time
he shall offend in like manner afterwards 10s sterling or the
value thereof. And in case such offender and offenders shall
not have sufficient goods or chattells within this Province to
satisfy any of the said Penalties respectively hereby imposed
for prophaning the Sabbath or Lords day called Sunday as
Liber A