U. S. History to 1877
CS 464.103 (3)
Wednesdays 6:15-8:45 p.m.
Shaffer 100
This course consists of lectures and discussions about the assigned
reading. Asssignments include two text books available in the bookstore,
document packets of original sources available on the WEB, weekly reading
discussion notes, and a take-home final exam. You will be expected to:
- develop discussion notes for each of the
reading assignments on the schedule (60% of the grade). These assignments
are to be EMAILED to the instructor in advance of the class discussion.
All registered students are entitled to free EMAIL accounts and notes can
be sent as attachments to edpapen@erols.com
from any properly configured computer in all continuing studies locations
including the lab in Krieger Hall, the CS computer lab on the 4th floor
of Shaffer, or from your computer at work or home
- write a take-home final on the interpretation of a document distributed
as noted on the schedule (40% of the final grade)
The schedule will be available on line beginning January 29 at the following
URL: http://www.mdarchives.state.md.us/ecp/10/238/html/0000.html
Edward C. Papenfuse (instructor)
State Archivist
Office Hours: Mondays 12:30-1:30 p.m., and by appointment
Office: 304 Gilman Hall
Phone: (w) 410-974-3869; (h) 410-467-6137
EMAIL Address: edpapen@erols.com
rev 1/28/97