1789 George Washington (no party) 6, Robert Hanson Harrison (no party) 6.

1792 George Washington (Federalist) 8, John Adams (Federalist) 8.

1796 John Adams (Federalist) 7, John Henry (Federalist) 2, Thomas Jefferson (Democrat-Republican) 4, Thomas Pinckney (Federalist) 4, Aaron Burr (Democrat-Republican) 3.

1800 John Adams (Federalist) 5, Thomas Jefferson (Democrat-Republican) 5, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (Federalist) 5, Aaron Burr (Democrat-Republican) 5.

1804 Thomas Jefferson (Democrat-Republican) 9, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (Federalist) 2.

1808 James Madison (Democrat-Republican) 9, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (Federalist) 2.

1812 James Madison (Democrat-Republican) 6, DeWitt Clinton (Federalist) 5.

1816 James Monroe (Democrat-Republican) 8.

1820 James Monroe (Democrat-Republican) 11.

1824 John Quincy Adams (no party) 3, William Crawford (no party) 1, Andrew Jackson (no party) 7.

1828 John Quincy Adams (Democrat-Republican) 6, Andrew Jackson (National Republican) 5.

1832 Henry Clay (Democrat-Republican) 5, Andrew Jackson (National Republican) 3.

1836 William Henry Harrison (Whig) 10.

1840 William Henry Harrison (Whig) 10.

1844 Henry Clay (Whig) 8.

1848 Zachary Taylor (Whig) 8.

1852 Franklin Pierce (Democrat) 8.

1856 Millard Fillmore (American) 8.

1860 John C. Breckinridge (Democrat) 8.

1864 Abraham Lincoln (Union) 7.

1868 Horatio Seymour (Democrat) 7.

1872 Thomas A. Hendricks (Democrat) 8.

1876 Samuel A. Tilden (Democrat) 8.

1880 Winfield Scott Hancock (Democrat) 8.

1884 Grover Cleveland (Democrat) 8.

1888 Grover Cleveland (Democrat) 8.

1892 Grover Cleveland (Democrat) 8.

1896 William McKinley (Republican) 8.

1900 William McKinley (Republican) 8.

1904 Alton B. Parker (Democrat) 7, William Howard Taft (Republican) 1.

1908 William Jennings Bryan (Democrat) 6, William Howard Taft (Republican) 2.

1912 Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) 8.

1916 Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) 8.

1920 Warren G. Harding (Republican) 8.

1924 Calvin Coolidge (Republican) 8.

1928 Herbert Hoover (Republican) 8.

1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) 8.

1936 Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) 8.

1940 Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) 8.

1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt (Democrat) 8.

1948 Thomas E. Dewey (Republican) 8.

1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican) 9.

1956 Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican) 9.

1960 John F. Kennedy (Democrat) 9.

1964 Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat) 10.

1968 Hubert H. Humphrey (Democrat) 10.

1972 Richard M. Nixon (Republican) 10.

1976 Jimmy Carter (Democrat) 10.

1980 Jimmy Carter (Democrat) 10.

1984 Ronald Reagan (Republican) 10.

1988 George Bush (Republican) 10.

1992 Bill Clinton (Democrat) 10.

1996 Bill Clinton (Democrat) 10.

2000 Albert Gore, Jr. (Democrat) 10.

2004 John F. Kerry (Democrat) 10.

2008 Barack Obama (Democrat) 10.

2012 Barack Obama (Democrat) 10.

2016 Hillary Clinton (Democrat) 10.

2020 Joe Biden (Democrat) 10.

2024 Kamala Harris (Democrat) 10.

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