Cases Handled By J. Steward Davis, 1920

Davis married Blance E. Moore on August 26, 1920, in Elkton, Maryland. They purchased a house at 1047 Myrtle Ave. in November for $2700. House was foreclosed on and sold  in 1927.

Equity: 39 cases
Civil: 4 (plus 5 habeas corpus cases heard in City Court)
Criminal: 101
Other: 1
Total: 150

US v. Henry Brown
I have found no information regarding trial of Henry Brown for the murder of Harriet Kavanaugh in Annapolis in Court of Appeals or AA Circuit Court records.  According to the Afro, the murder (which occurred Jan. 14, 1920) was heard in Federal Court (Afro, July 22, 1921, p. 52 in the .pdf of Gibson Binder).  The murder victim was a nurse at the Naval Academy, which is I believe why it was a federal case.

In addition, Davis himself was not involved in the case until 1921.  The Afro of August 19, 1921, states that Brown's defense committee announced that they had "never given the case over entirely to Mr. Davis or any other attorney but cooperated with him.  Mr. Davis' work, they said, was completed on July 25 and a letter has been sent him [sic] containing check 'for services  to date and relieving him of further obligation.'" (page 55 of Gibson Binder).  Davis filed papers with Dept. Justice, reported in the Afro on June 10, 1921 (p. 50).  Davis is last reported to be involved on Aug. 26 (p. 56), and there are no more mentions of the case in the binder.

State v. Nettie DeShields
State v. Sarah Wilson
Both acquitted of perjury, February 18, 1921.  Reported in the Afro, February 25, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1920, State v. Nettie DeShields, indictment no. 2361, p. 394 [MSA C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1920, box no. 198, State v. Nettie DeShields, indictment no. 2361 [T495- 220, HF/3/20/72]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1920, State v. Sarah Wilson, indictment no. 2363, p. 394 [MSA C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1920, box no. 198, State v. Sarah Wilson, indictment no. 2363 [T495- 220, HF/3/20/72]

Bettie Brown v. Waymon Brown
Davis represented wife suing for divorce on the grounds of abandoment.  Bill filed December 17, 1920.  Husband did not appear at trial. Decree issued, custody awarded to wife, April 2, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) 1920, 60B, Brown v. Brown, case no. B21954, p. 775 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B), Brown v. Brown, 1920, box no. 528, case no. B21954 [T54-536, 3/12/14/16]

Lottie Braxton v. Edward Braxton
Davis represented wife suing for divorce charging, abandoment and adultry.  Bill filed November 30, 1920, decree issued August 12, 1921. Reported in the Afro, December 10, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) 1920, 60B, Braxton v. Braxton, case no. B21880, p. 735 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B), Braxton v. Braxton, 1920, box no. 526, case no. B21880 [T54-534, 3/12/14/14]

Mary Campbell v. Fred Campbell
Davis repesented wife suing for divorce, charge of abandonment. Abandoment occured after an argument over husband's "misconduct" towards their teen-aged daughter.Bill filed January 19, 1920, decree issued June 18, 1921. Reported in the Afro on June 25, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) 1920, 60B, Campbell v. Campbell, case no. B20529, p. 40 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B), Campbell v. Campbell, 1920, box no. 479, case no. B20529 [T54-485, 3/12/12/95]

Frances I. Goines v. John W. Goines
Divorce case, Davis representing the plaintiff. Charge of abandomnet.  Husband failed to appear in court.  Bill for divorce filed April 8, 1920; decree issued July 1, 1920. Reported in the Afro on April 9, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) 1920, 60B, Goines v. Goines, case no. B20841, p. 197 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B), Goines v. Goines, 1920, box no. 488, case no. B20529 [T54-496, 3/12/13/8]

Fannette W. Penn v. Arthur Bragg, Cincinnatus Major, and George P. Thomas
Suit alleging defamation of charactor against publishers of the Observer, $10,000 in damages. Davis for the defendants. Verdict for the plaintiff, April 15, 1921, awarding $500 in damages.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) Penn v. Bragg, Major, and Thomas, 1920, 50B, Box no. 975, case no. 268, p. 423 [T556-38, 3/34/2/43]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers): Penn v. Bragg, Major, and Thomas, 1920, Box 975, case no. 268 [T545-199, 3/32/9/8]

State ex rel George H. Palmer v. Warden, House of Correction
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed February 18, 1920. Released February 20.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Palmer v. Warden, House of Correction, 1920, GCL 9, p. 128, case no. 3174 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Palmer v. Warden, House of Correction, 1920, box no. 4, case no. 3174 [T546-11, 3/34/10/17]

State ex rel Alonzo Gault on behalf of Alonzo Gault v. House of Reformation for Colored Boys
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed March 30, 1920. Released April 9.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Gault v. House of Reformation for Colored Boys, 1920, GCL 9, p. 176, case no. 3210 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Gault v. House of Reformation for Colored Boys, 1920, box no. 5, case no. 3210 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State ex rel Mrs. Diggs on behalf of Seymour Diggs v. House of Reformation for Colored Boys
Davis and W. Norman Bishop for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed June 22, 1920. Released June 25.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Diggs v. House of Reformation for Colored Boys, 1920, GCL 9, p. 214, case no. 3287 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Diggs v. House of Reformation for Colored Boys, 1920, box no. 5, case no. 3287 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State ex rel Mary Handy on behalf of Rey Ward v. W.F. Leyfield
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed August 3, 1920. Writ dismissed in open court by attorney for plaintiff, August 9.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Ward v. Leyfield, 1920, GCL 9, p. 232, case no. 3321 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Ward v. Leyfield, 1920, box no. 5, case no. 3321 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State ex rel Victoria Blake on behalf of Myrtle Green v. Industrial School for Colored Girls
Davis & Bishop for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed September 20, 1920. Released and placed in the custody of Victoria Blake, September 24, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Green v. Industrial School for Colored Girls, 1920, GCL 9, p. 244, case no. 3346 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Green v. Industrial School for Colored Girls, 1920, box no. 5, case no. 3346 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

Gross Grant Real Estate Co. v. Nathanial Willis
Davis for defendant, Arthur E. Briscoe for plaintiff. Suit filed January 19, 1920. Plaintiff claiming defendant agreed top seel him a house, but has refused to follow through. Court papers contain transcript of testamony; oppurtunity to see how Davis operated in court. Defendant ordered to go forward with sale, April 17, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket A) Gross Grant Real Estate Co. v. Willis, 1920, 29A, p. 22, case no. 11427A [T996-29, 3/18/6/43]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers A) Gross Grant Real Estate Co. v. Willis, 1920, box no. 1171, case no. 11727A [T56-1066, 3/23/14/91]

Samuel H. Giles v. Sarah Giles
Davis for defendant, Roy S. Bond for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, grounds of abandonment, filed February 13, 1920. Divorce decree issued May 13, 1920. Husband to pay $3.00 per week child support.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Giles v. Giles, 1920, 29B, p. 78, case no. 18848B [T997-29, 3/18/7/23]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Giles v. Giles, 1920, box no. 530, case no. 18848B [T57-558, 3/18/13/68]

Pearl M. Johnston v. Samuel Johnston
Suit for divorce, filed February 19, 1920. Grounds of abandonment and cruelity. Charles W. Main for plaintiff, W. K. Pair for defendant. Cross-bill filed, Davis for Samuel Johnston, December 17, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Johnston v. Johnston, 1920, 29B, p. 84, case no. 18861B [T997-29, 3/18/7/23]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Johnston v. Johnston, 1920, box no. 530, case no. 18861B [T57-558, 3/18/13/68]

Lloyd D. Forty v. Cecelia Forty
Suit for divorce, filed March 29, 1920. Grounds of desertion. Desertion occured many years before suit was filed. Davis for defendant, Ephriam Jackson for plaintiff.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Forty v. Forty, 1920, 29B, p. 154, case no. 18998B [T997-29, 3/18/7/23]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Forty v. Forty, 1920, box no. 537, case no. 18898B [T57-565, 3/18/13/75]

Agrippa Turner v. Lena Turner
Suit for divorce, filed April 8, 1920. Davis for plaintiff. Grounds of adultery. Defendant non est.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Turner v. Turner, 1920, 29B, p. 175, case no. 19040B [T997-29, 3/18/7/23]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Turner v. Turner, 1920, box no. 538, case no. 19040B [T57-566, 3/18/13/76]

Nathanial Adams v. Kattie Adams
Suit for divorce, filed June 2, 1920. Davis for defendant, Roy S. Bond for plaintiff. Grounds of desertion. Divorce decree issued August 5, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Adams v. Adams, 1920, 29B, p. 289, case no. 19262B [T997-29, 3/18/7/23]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Adams v. Adams, 1920, box no. 546, case no. 19262B [T57-574, 3/18/13/84]

Martha E. Smith v. Charles Smith
Suit for divorce, filed July 10, 1920. Davis for defendant, Roy S. Bond for plaintiff. Grounds of desertion.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Smith v. Smith, 1920, 29B, p. 362, case no. 19402B [T997-29, 3/18/7/23]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Smith v. Smith, 1920, box no. 550, case no. 19402B [T57-578, 3/18/13/88]

Oliver M. Spence v. Mattie Spence
Suit for divorce, filed August 17, 1920. Grounds of desertion and adultery. Roy S. Bond for plaintiff, Arthur R. Padgett, Davis for defendant. Padgett took over the case in January, 1924. A letter filed by the plaintiff as exhibit 1 says that Mattie Spence was with "doctor Bowley," more than likely Dr. J. Guy Bowley, who Davis represented in 1921 and 1928. Custody of children awarded to husband; long custody dispute followed.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Spence v. Spence, 1920, 29B, pps. 430, 725, case no. 19533B [T997-29, 3/18/7/23]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Spence v. Spence, 1920, box no. 554, case no. 19533B [T57-582, 3/18/13/92]

Mamie E. Mitchell v. William E. Mitchell
Suit for divorce, filed October 28, 1920. Grounds of adultery. Davis & Bishop for defendant, Roy S. Bond for plaintiff; appearence of Harry B. Wolf for defendant, January 13, 1921. Divorce decree issued February 4, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Mitchell v. Mitchell, 1920, 29B, p. 578, case no. 19812B [T997-29, 3/18/7/23]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Mitchell v. Mitchell, 1920, box no. 564, case no. 19812B [T57-592, 3/18/14/6]

Moses Zalis v. John C. Robinson
Davis & Bishop for defendant, Louis Hollander and Louis Binder for plaintiff. Suit filed May 26, 1920. Dispute over sale of property from defendant to plaintiff. Suit dismissed by court, September 22, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket A) Zalis v. Robinson, 1920, 60A, p. 291, case no. 10392A [T55-60, 3/4/1/43]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers A) Zalis v. Robinson, 1920, box no. 3196, case no. 10392A [T53-3800, 3/8/12/25]

Randolph Mason v. Minnie Brooks Mason
Suit for divorce, filed February 26, 1920, grounds of adultery. Maurice J. Blum for plaintiff,  Roy S. Bond, Archey C. New for defendant. Davis for plaintiff, appearence noted April 24, 1920. Cross-bill filed October 27, 1921. Agreement signed by both parties that wife get custody of child and $5.00 per week in support. Divocre granted in corss-bill, February 15, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Mason v. Mason, 1920, 60B, pps. 116, 850, case no. B20681 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Mason v. Mason, 1920, box  no. 483, case no. B20681 [T54-491, 3/12/13/3]

Imogene West v. Harry West
Suit for divorce, filed February 28, 1920. Grounds of adultery. Davis for plaintiff, William G. Powers, Charles W. Held, G. W. McWitt for defendant. Dismissed by court, December 30, 1921. See dramatic and much publicized 1922 case.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) West v. West, 1920, 60B, p. 122, case no. B20692 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) West v. West, 1920, box no. 484, case no. B20692 [T54-492, 3/12/13/4]

Mary Dilver v. William Dilver
Suit for divorce, filed March 5, 1920. Grounds of desertion and cruelity. Davis for plaintiff. Defendant non est.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Dilver v. Dilver, 1920, 60B, p. 137, case no. B20723 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Dilver v. Dilver, 1920, box no. 485, case no. B20723 [T54-493, 3/12/13/5]

John H. Albert v. Hallie A. Albert
Suit for divorce, filed March 9, 1920. Grounds of desertion. Davis for plaintiff. Divorce granted, July 8, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Albert v. Albert, 1920, 60B, p. 144, case no. B20737 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Albert v. Albert, 1920, box no. 485, case no. B20737 [T54-493, 3/12/13/15]

Frank Johnson v. Cordelia Johnson
Suit for divorce, filed March 17, 1920. Grounds of desertion. Davis for plaintiff. Divorce decree issued June 18, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Johnson v. Johnson, 1920, 60B, p. 162, case no. B20773 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Johnson v. Johnson, 1920, box no. 487, case no. B20773 [T54-495, 3/12/13/7]

Susie Lee v. Leonard Lee
Suit for divorce, filed March 17, 1920. Davis for plaintiff. Grounds of desertion.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Lee v. Lee, 1920, 60B, p. 1632, case no. B20774 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Lee v. Lee, 1920, box no. 487, case no. B20774 [T54-495, 3/12/13/7]

Herman Gibson v. Olive Gibson
Suit for divorce, filed March 24, 1920. Davis for plaintiff. Grounds of adultery. Decree issued July 8, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Gibson v. Gibson, 1920, 60B, p. 169, case no. B20787 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Gibson v. Gibson, 1920, box no. 487, case no. B20787 [T54-495, 3/12/13/7]

Florence Norris v. Thomas Norris
Suit for divorce, filed May 5, 1920. Davis for plaintiff. Grounds of desertion and adultery. Divorce granted, August 11, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Norris v. Norris, 1920, 65B, p. 261, case no. B20967 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Norris v. Norris, 1920, box no. 493, case no. B20967 [T54-501, 3/12/13/13]

Albert J. Cassell v. Sarah E. Cassell
Suit for divorce, filed May 12, 1920. Davis for plaintiff, Harry B. Wolf, John C. Kump, Webster S. Baldes for defendant. Grounds of desertion. Cross-bill filed April 10, 1923, also charging desertion.  Divorce granted in cross-bill, May 11, 1923. Parties agreed that wife get custody of children and $4.50 per week in support.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Cassell v. Cassell, 1920, 60B, p. 276, case no. B20998 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Cassell v. Cassell, 1920, box no. 494, case no. B20998 [T54-502, 3/12/13/14]

Clarence Bailey v. Caroline Bailey
Suit for divorce, filed June 12, 1920. Davis for plaintiff. Grounds of desertion and adultery. Divorce decree issued, October 1, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Bailey v. Bailey, 1920, 60B, p. 339, case no. B21123 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Bailey v. Bailey, 1920, box no. 498, case no. B21123 [T54-506, 3/12/13/18]

William Carter v. Lena Carter
Suit for divorce, Davis & Bishop for plaintiff. Filed July 7, 1920. Grounds of adultery. Defendant non est.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Carter v. Carter, 1920, 60B, p. 383, case no. B21209 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Carter v. Carter, 1920, box no. 501, case no. B21209 [T54-509, 3/12/13/21]

Mildred Watts v. Elvin Watts
Suit for divorce, Davis & Bishop for plaintiff, filed July 7, 1920. Grounds of desertion and adultery. Divorce decree issued November 16, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Watts v. Watts, 1920, 60B, p. 386, case no. B21214 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Watts v. Watts, 1920, box no. 501, case no. B21214 [T54-509, 3/12/13/21]

Florence Boston v. Arthur Boston
Suit for divorce, Davis & Bishop for plaintiff, filed July 7, 1920. Grounds of desertion. Divorce decree issued December 23,1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Boston v. Boston, 1920, 60B, p. 386, case no. B21215 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Boston v. Boston, 1920, box no. 501, case no. B21215 [T54-509, 3/12/13/21]

Della Keys v. Henry Webster Keys
Davis & Bishop for plaintiff, suit for divorce, filed July 10, 1920. Grounds of desertion and adultery. Divorce decree issued Novemer 3, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Keys v. Keys, 1920, 60B, p. 394, case no. B21230 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Keys v. Keys, 1920, box no. 501, case no. B21230 [T54-509, 3/12/13/21]

Addie Clements v. Robert Clements
Davis & Bishop for plaintiff, suit for divorce, filed August 20, 1920. Grounds of desertion. Decree issued December 6, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Clements v. Clements, 1920, 60B, p. 516, case no. B21467 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Clements v. Clements, 1920, box no. 511, case no. B21467 [T54-519, 3/12/13/31]

William J. Bagwell v. Edith Bagwell
Davis & Bishop for plaintiff, Roy S. Bond for defendant. Suit for divorce, filed September 4, 1920. Grounds of adultery.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Bagwell v. Bagwell, 1920, 60B, p. 537, case no. B21510 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Bagwell v. Bagwell, 1920, box no. 514, case no. B21520 [T54-522, 3/12/14/2]

Thomas Gibson v. Josephine Gibson
Suit for divorce, Davis & Bishop for plaintiff, filed September 21, 1920. Grounds of adultery. Decree issued, December 23, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Gibson v. Gibson, 1920, 60B, p. 567, case no. B21562 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Gibson v. Gibson, 1920, box no. 515, case no. B21562 [T54-523, 3/12/14/3]

Edward Jackson v. Alice Jackson
Suit for divorce, Davis & Bishop for plaintiff, R. M. Winterberg? for defendant. Filed October 1, 1920. Grounds of desertion. Decree issued, February 14, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Jackson v. Jackson, 1920, 60B, p. 603, case no. B21629 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Jackson v. Jackson, 1920, box no. 518, case no. B21629 [T54-526, 3/12/14/6]

Edward Parago v. Viola Parago
Suit for divorce, Davis for plaintiff, Harry B. Wolf, Robert A. Stevenson for defendant. Filed October 18, 1920. Grounds of adultery.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Parago v. Parago, 1920, 60B, p. 633, case no. B21688 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Parago v. Parago, 1920, box no. 520, case no. B21688 [T54-528, 3/12/14/8]

Mary Coleman v. Walker Coleman
Suit for divorce, filed October 21, 1920. Davis & Bishop for plaintiff, William H. Laurance for defendant. Grounds of adultery. Decree issued, February 25, 1922. Husband ordered to pay $5.00 per week alimony.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Coleman v. Coleman, 1920, 60B, p. 647, case no. B21716 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Coleman v. Coleman, 1920, box no. box no. 520, case no. B21716 [T54-528, 3/12/14/8]

William E. Pembleton v. Edna Pembleton
Suit for divorce, Davis for plaintiff, Roy S. Bond for defendant. Filed November 8, 1920. Grounds of desertion.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Pembleton v. Pembleton, 1920, 60B, p. 686, case no. B21790 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Pembleton v. Pembleton, 1920, box no. 523, case no. B21790 [T54-531, 3/12/14/11]

Jacob Meekins v. Helen Meekins
Suit for divorce, Davis for plaintiff, Howard A. Sweeter for defendant.  Filed November 16, 1920. Grounds of adultery. Decree issued, July 29, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Meekins v. Meekins, 1920, 60B, p. 709, case no. B21833 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Meekins v. Meekins, 1920, box no. 525, case no. B21833 [T54-533, 3/12/14/13]

John Dorsey v. Cora Dorsey
Suit for divorce, Davis for plaintiff, Charles W. Main for defendent. Filed November 18, 1920. Grounds of desertion. Decree issued February 5, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Dorsey v. Dorsey, 1920, 60B, p. 712, case no. B21839 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Dorsey v. Dorsey, 1920, box no. 525, case no. B21839 [T54-533, 3/12/14/13]

Virginia Person v. Howard Person
Suit for legal sepearation, then changed to divorce, filed December 6, 1920. Grounds of adultery. Davis for defendant, Maurice J. Blum for plaintiff. Decree issued April 8, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Person v. Person, 1920, 60B, p. 749, case no. B21907 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Person v. Person, 1920, box no. 527, case no. B21907 [T54-535, 3/12/14/15]

Jesse Herbert Myers v. Mary Myers
Suit for divorce, filed December 9, 1920. Davis & Bishop for plaintiff. Grounds of desertion. Decree issued February 2, 1920. Custody of son awarded to husband

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Myers v. Myers, 1920, 60B, p. 758, case no. B21925 [T464-46, 3/4/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Myers v. Myers, 1920, box no. 527, case no. B21925 [T54-535, 3/12/14/15]

William Walker v. William Wilkins
Davis for plaintiff, Eugene O' Dunne and D. B. Creecy for defendant. Suit for writ of replevin, filed January 27, 1920. Plaintiff called, makes default, judgment for defendent with costs, October 18, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) Walker v. Wilkins,1920, 50A, p. 125, Feb RD 149, "box 950" [T556-37, 3/34/2/42]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) Walker v. Wilkins, 1920, box no. 157, "box 950" [T545-188, 3/32/3/29]

David Green v. United Railways & Electric Co
Davis for plaintiff, Lee S. Myer and J. P. Thome for defendent. Suit filed March 8, 1920. Claiming $50,000 damages. Jury found for defendant, November 29, 1920. Unable to locate papers.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) Green v. U.R. & E, 1920, 50A, p. 200, Apr RD 8, "box 958" [T556-37, 3/34/2/42]

Hilda Vaughn, by her father and next friend Nathanial Vaughn v. Earle V. Graham
Davis for plaintiff, Edwin W. Wells for defendant. Suit filed June 1, 1920, stemming from an automobile accident. Settled and agreed, defendant to pay $100.00 in damages plus costs, June 1, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY SUPERIOR COURT (Cases Instituted) Vaughn v. Graham, 1920, SCL No. 1, p. 333, "box 2127" [C1497-95, 2/16/12/32]

BALTIMORE CITY SUPERIOR COURT (Civil Papers) Vaughn v. Graham, 1920, box no. 152, "box 2127" [T583-449, 2/25/10/8]

State v. Anderson Lyons
Indicted for rape, January 19, 1920. Acquitted, February 6.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Lyons, 1920, p. 4, case no. 22 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Oliver Milton
Indicted for larceny, automatic pistol $95.00, January 19, 1920. Acquitted, January 27, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Milton, 1920, p. 7, case no. 42 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Oliver Milton
Indicted for larceny, January 19, 1920. Acquitted, January 27, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Milton, 1920, p. 8, case no. 43 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Julius Bowers or Boweurs
Indicted for attempted false pretenses, January 22, 1920. Pleaded guilty, sentenced to 18 months in prison, February 3, to be served concurrently.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Bowers, 1920, p. 9, case no. 49 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Julius Bowers or Boweurs
Indicted for false pretenses, January 22, 1920. Acquitted, February 3.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Bowers, 1920, p. 9, case no. 50 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Julius Bowers or Boweurs
Indicted for false pretenses, January 22, 1920. Pleaded guilty, sentenced to 18 months in prison, February 3, to be served concurrently.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Bowers, 1920, p. 9, case no. 51 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Charles Daniels
Indicted for larceny, watch $57.00, January 19. Pleaded not guilty, found guilty one count, sentenced to 2 years in prison, February 12, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Daniels, 1920, p. 10, case no. 60 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Sadie Daughton
Indicted for false pretences, February 15, 1920. Pleaded guilty, one count, sentenced to 1 year in jail, March 4.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Daughton, 1920, p. 52, case no. 310 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Sadie Daughton
Indicted for false pretences, February 15, 1920. Stet entered by state, March 4.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Daughton, 1920, p. 52, case no. 311 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Sadie Daughton
Indicted for false pretences, February 15, 1920. Stet entered by state, March 4.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Daughton, 1920, p. 52, case no. 312 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. George Glenn
Indicted for larceny, Victrola $150, February 12, 1920. Acquitted, February 24.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Glenn, 1920, p. 55, case no. 325 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Sadie Daughton
Indicted for false pretences, February 13, 1920. Stet entered by state, March 4.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Daughton, 1920, p. 60, case no. 358 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Sadie Daughton
Indicted for forgery, February 13, 1920. Stet entered by state, March 4.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Daughton, 1920, p. 60, case no. 359 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Sadie Daughton
Indicted for forgery, February 13, 1920. Stet entered by state, March 4.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Daughton, 1920, p. 60, case no. 360 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Sadie Daughton
Indicted for false pretences, February 13, 1920. Stet entered by state, March 4.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Daughton, 1920, p. 61, case no. 361 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Maud Ward
Indicted for larceny, dress etc. $90.00, March 8, 1920. Acquitted, March 12.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Ward, 1920,  p. 82, case no. 490 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Maud Ward
Indicted for larceny, dress etc. $90.00, March 8, 1920. Acquitted, March 12.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Ward, 1920,  p. 82, case no. 491 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Thomas Braxton
Indicted for burglary, $45.00, March 15, 1920. Acquitted, March 23.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Braxton, 1920, p. 91, case no. 544 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Virginia Williams
Indicted for larceny, cameo pin $40.00, March 17, 1920. Pleaded guilty to one count, sentenced to 30 days in jail, March 26. Appearence of Milton Dashiell also noted.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Williams, 1920, p. 96, case no. 571 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. John Gray
Indicted for receiveing stolen goods, $17.00, March 19, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted, sentenced to 30 days in jail, April 7. Appearence of George L. Pendleton also noted.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Gray, 1920, p. 103, case no. 617 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Bernard Wilson
Indicted for larceny, microscopes $300, March 26, 1920. Pleaded guilty one count and sentenced to 6 months in jail, April 1.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Wilson, 1920, p. 109, case no. 653 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Joseph Marshall
Indicted for larceny, bicycle $30.00, March 24, 1920. Stet entered, April 5.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Marshall, 1920, p. 112, case no. 669 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Lawrence S. King
Indicted for false pretenses, April 13, 1920. Stet entered, July 13, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. King, 1920, p. 127, case no. 762 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Lawrence S. King
Indicted for false pretenses, April 13, 1920. Stet entered, July 13, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. King, 1920, p. 128, case no. 763 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Lawrence S. King
Indicted for unlawful practice of medicine, April 13, 1920. Stet entered, July 13, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. King, 1920, p. 128, case no. 764 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William F. Smothers alias Jordan
Indicted for burglary, April 13, 1920. Pleaded not guilty but convicted and sentenced to six months in prison, April 22. Appearence of George W. F. McMechen also noted.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Smothers, 1920, p. 129, case no. 774 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William F. Smothers alias Jordan
Indicted for assault with intent to kill, April 13, 1920. Pleaded not guilty but convicted and sentenced to six months in prison, April 22. Appearence of George W. F. McMechen also noted.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Smothers, 1920, p. 130, case no. 775 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. John Nickolson
Indicted for desertion, April 26, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted and ordered to pay wife $8.50 per week in support, May 14.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Nickolson, 1920, p. 149, case no. 891 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Lawrence S. King
Indicted for false pretenses, April 26, 1920. Stet entered, July 13, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. King, 1920, p. 151, case no. 903 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. James Owens
Indicted for unlawful carnal knowldge, April 26, 1920. Pleaded guilty, sentenced to 3 months in prison, May 18.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Owens, 1920, p. 154, case no. 921 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Thomas Robinson
Indicted for burglary, $50.00, April 26, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, found guilty one count, sentenced to 60 days in jail, May 18, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Robinson, 1920, p. 155, case no. 926 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Lawrence S. King
Indicted for false pretenses, April 26, 1920. Stet entered, July 13, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. King, 1920, p. 156, case no. 931 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. James Madden
Indicted for larceny, automobile $500, April 28, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, found guilty one count and sentenced to 9 months in jail, June 25, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Madden, 1920, p. 160, case no. 955 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. John Cooper, James Cook, and William Hall
Indicted for burglary, automobile tires $175, May 18, 1920. All three pleaded not guilty and were convicted on one count, sentenced to 6 months in prison, June 7, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Cooper, Cook, and Hall, 1920, p. 166, case no. 1000 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Abraham Weinstein
Indicted for receiving stolen goods, May 25, 1920. Acquitted December 15, 1920. Appearence of E. M. Atfield also noted.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Weinstein, 1920, p. 176, case no. 1056 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Julius C. Bowley
Indicted for bastardy, May 26, 1920. Acquitted, June 18. Was represented by Davis in related lawsuit in 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Bowley, 1920, p. 186, case no. 1112 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William Colbert
Indicted for burglary, clothes $55.70, June 7, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted of one count and sentenced to 3 months in jail, June 21, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Colbert, 1920, p. 197, case no. 1181 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Francis Gray
Indicted for larceny, chickens $10.00, June 7, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted one count, sentenced to 5 days in jail, October 4, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Gray, 1920, p. 197, case no. 1182 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Northern Payne
Indicted for the May 25, 1920 murder of Samuel Rouse, June 4, 1920. Appearence of Edwin T. Dickerson; stricken out, October 7, 1920. Pleaded guilty, October 19. Motion for new trial filed, October 27; withdrawn November 5. Defendant was permitted to withdraw his guilty plea, November 5. Found guilty by jury of manslaughter, sentenced to 10 years in prison, December 2, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Payne, 1920, pps. 198, 735, case no. 1186 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Henry Smith
Indicted for carrying a deadly weapon, June 7, 1920. Pleaded guilty, sentenced to one day in jail, June 21, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Smith, 1920, p. 200, case no. 1197 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Benjamin Ross
Indicted for larceny, bicycle $30.00, June 14, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, found guilty one count, sentenced to 18 months in jail, June 22, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Ross, 1920, p. 209, case no. 1250 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Benjamin Ross
Indicted for larceny, bicycle $55.00, June 14, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, found guilty one count, sentenced to 18 months in jail, to be served concurrently, June 22, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Ross, 1920, p. 209, case no. 1251 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Benjamin Ross
Indicted for larceny, bicycle $45.00, June 14, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, found guilty one count, sentenced to 18 months in jail, to be served concurrently, June 22, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Ross, 1920, p. 209, case no. 1252 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Benjamin Ross
Indicted for larceny, bicycle $40.00, June 14, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, found guilty one count, sentenced to 18 months in jail, to be served concurrently, June 22, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Ross, 1920, p. 209, case no. 1253 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Ray Shell
Indicted for assault to murder, June 14, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted and sentenced to 3 years in prison, to be served concurrently, September 14, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Shell, 1920, p. 212, case no. 1268 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Ray Shell
Indicted for assault to murder, June 14, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted and sentenced to 3 years in prison, to be served concurrently, September 14, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Shell, 1920, p. 212, case no. 1269 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Ray Shell
Indicted for carrying a deadly weapon, June 14, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted; sentence suspended indefinatly, September 14, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Shell, 1920, p. 212, case no. 1270 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. John Taylor
Indicted for larceny, coat etc. $30.00, June 14, 1920. Pleaded guilty one count, sentence suspended indefinatly,  June 22, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Taylor, 1920, p. 212, case no. 1272 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Albert Brown
Indicted for assault to murder, June 25, 1920. Acquitted, August 25, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Brown, 1920, p. 226, case no. 1354 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Albert Brown
Indicted for carrying a deadly weapon, June 25, 1920. Acquitted, August 25, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Brown, 1920, p. 228, case no. 1368 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Albert Hopkins
Indicted for larceny, $57.00, July 12, 1920. Pleaded not gulty, found guilty one count, sentenced to 6 months in prison, August 4, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Hopkins, 1920, p. 243, case no. 1456 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Henry Tyson
Indicted for embezzelment, $25.00, July 14, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted and sentenced to 30 days in jail, July 21. Sentence reconsidered and stricken out, paroled, August 26.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Tyson, 1920, p. 254, case no. 1524 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Harrison M. Dodd
Indicted for desertion, July 20, 1920. Appearence of Davis & Bishop.  Pleaded guilty, suspended sentence, ordered to $12.00 per week, September 23. Reduced to $4.00 per week, February 2, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Dodd, 1920, p. 260, case no. 1559 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Foster Cooper, alias Tom Stacy
Indicted for larceny, diamond rings $245.00, July 23, 1920. Pleaded guilty one count, sentenced to 10 months in prison, to be served concurrently, August 25, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Cooper, 1920, p. 267, case no. 1598 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Foster Cooper, alias Tom Stacy
Indicted for larceny, clothes $150.00, July 23, 1920. Pleaded guilty one count, sentenced to 10 months in prison, to be served concurrently, August 25, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Cooper, 1920, p. 267, case no. 1599 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Foster Cooper, alias Tom Stacy
Indicted for larceny, gold watches $100.00, July 23, 1920. Pleaded guilty one count, sentenced to 10 months in prison, to be served concurrently, August 25, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Cooper, 1920, p. 267, case no. 1600 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Foster Cooper, alias Tom Stacy
Indicted for larceny, diamond rings $200.00, July 23, 1920. Pleaded guilty one count, sentenced to 10 months in prison, to be served concurrently, August 25, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Cooper, 1920, p. 267, case no. 1601 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Louis Moulden and Lawrence Payne
Indicted for larceby, sugar $400.00, July 30, 1920. Appearence of Davis & Bishop. Both pleaded guilty to one count, Payne sentenced to 6 months in prison, Moulden got 5 months, October 20, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Moulden and Payne, 1920, p. 277, case no. 1662 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William Davis, alias Jesse Langston
Indicted for larceny, diamond ring $250.00, July 28, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted one count, sentenced to one year in prison, consecutive to case no. 1629, September 21, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Davis, 1920, p. 282, case no. 1688 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William Davis, alias Jesse Langston
Indicted for larceny, diamond ring $100.00, July 28, 1920. Acquitted, September 21, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Davis, 1920, p. 282, case no. 1689 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Herbert Hassell
Indicted for larceny, sweater $10.40, August 17, 1920. Acquitted, August 25.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Hassell, 1920, p. 292, case no. 1752 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Melvin V. Thomas
Indicted for larceny, shirts $25.00, August 20, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted one count, sentenced to 60 days in jail, September 14, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Thomas, 1920, p. 295, case no. 1766 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Joseph Dorsey
Indicted for larceny, sugar $4.00, August 18, 1920. Acquitted, September 8, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Dorsey, 1920, p. 298, case no. 1784 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William Gross
Indicted for larceny, $99.00, August 20, 1920. Pleaded guilty one count, sentence suspended, paroled to pay costs $27.70. Warrent issued, Jaunary 4, 1922, for non-payment; non est.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Gross, 1920, p. 308, case no. 1848 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William M. Gibson
Indicted for burglary, August 26, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted, sentenced to 5 years in prison, concurrently, October 4, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Gibson, 1920, p. 314, case no. 1880 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William M. Gibson
Indicted for burglary, August 26, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted, sentenced to 5 years in prison, concurrently, October 4, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Gibson, 1920, p. 314, case no. 1881 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William M. Gibson
Indicted for burglary, August 26, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted, sentenced to 5 years in prison, concurrently, October 4, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Gibson, 1920, p. 314, case no. 1882 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William M. Gibson
Indicted for burglary, August 26, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted, sentenced to 5 years in prison, concurrently, October 4, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Gibson, 1920, p. 314, case no. 1883 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William M. Gibson
Indicted for burglary, August 26, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted, sentenced to 5 years in prison, concurrently, October 4, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Gibson, 1920, p. 314, case no. 1884 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William M. Gibson
Indicted for burglary, August 26, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted, sentenced to 5 years in prison, concurrently, October 4, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Gibson, 1920, p. 315, case no. 1885 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William M. Gibson
Indicted for burglary, August 26, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted, sentenced to 5 years in prison, concurrently, October 4, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Gibson, 1920, p. 315, case no. 1886 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William M. Gibson
Indicted for burglary, August 26, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted, sentenced to 5 years in prison, concurrently, October 4, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Gibson, 1920, p. 315, case no. 1887 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Arthur Robinson
Indicted for bigamy, September 1, 1920. Pleaded guilty, six months in prison, October 14, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Robinson, 1920, p. 325, case no. 1946 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Randolph Allen
Indicted for larceny, spoons $1.80, September 7, 1920. Appearence of Davis & Bishop. Pleaded guilty one count, paroled to pay costs $27.80, February 10, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Allen, 1920, p. 334, case no. 2000 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Thomas R. Brooks and Frank Norwood
Indicted for burglary, September 20, 1920. Appearence of Davis & Bishop. Both pleaded not guilty, and convicted; Brooks sentenced to one year in prison, Norwood 6 months, October 5, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Brooks and Norwood, 1920, p. 337, case no. 2022 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Moses Jacobs
Indicted for larceny, clothes $40.00, September 20, 1920. Appearence of Davis & Bishop. Pleaded guilty one count, 25 days in jail, September 30, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Jacobs, 1920, p. 338, case no. 2023 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Edward Townes, alias Through Townes
Indicted for larceny, $15.00, September 23, 1920. Appearence of Davis & Bishop. Acquitted, October 8.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Townes, 1920, p. 339, case no. 2029 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Abraham Bishop
Indicted for larceny, sweater $8.00, September 23, 1920. Appearence of Davis & Bishop. Pleaded not guilty, convicted one count, sentenced to one day in jail, December 29, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Bishop, 1920, p. 340, case no. 2035 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. William West
Indicted for larceny, coat $22.00, September 23, 1920. Appearence of Davis & Bishop. Pleaded guilty one count, 30 days in jail, October 5, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. West, 1920, p. 341, case no. 2043 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Clarence H. Anderson
Indicted for false pretenses, September 27, 1920. Appearence of Davis & Bishop. Acquitted, October 14, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Anderson, 1920, p. 346, case no. 2073 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Herbert Morrison
Indicted for larceny, $9.00, September 30, 1920. Appearence of Davis & Bishop. Pleaded guilty one count, 10 days in jail, October 7, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Morrison, 1920, p. 364, case no. 2183 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Joshua Stockley
Indicted for bawdy house, prostitution, etc, October 6, 1920. Appearence of Davis & Bishop. Pleaded not guilty, convicted and sentenced to 3 months in prison, to be served concurrently, February 4, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Stockley, 1920, p. 372, case no. 2230 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Elizabeth Brown, Pearl Proctor, and Bessie Ridout alias Bell
Indicted for larceny, coat $45.00, October 15, 1920. Appearence of Davis & Bishop. All three pleaded not guilty. Brown acquitted, Proctor and Ridout convicted one count, sentenced to 4 months in prison, November 23, 1920, to be served concurrently. Note three other larcent cases againt these three, but represented by no one in two, and by W. K. Pair in the other.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Brown, Proctor, and Ridout, 1920, p. 393, case no. 2353 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Bessie Maxwell
Indicted for larceny, $40.00, October 20, 1920. Stet entered, December 3, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Maxwell, 1920, p. 405, case no. 2425 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Bessie Maxwell
Indicted for being common prostitutie, $40.00, October 20, 1920. Stet entered, December 3, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Maxwell, 1920, p. 405, case no. 2426 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Thomas Vaughn
Indicted for disturbing the public peace, October 27, 1920. Stet entered, November 9, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Vaughn, 1920, p. 417, case no. 2501 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Arthur Davis
Indicted for larceny, sugar $50.00, October 29, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted one count, sentenced to 10 months in jail, November 10, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Davis, 1920, p. 419, case no. 2513 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Mulford Matthews
Indicted for receiving stolen goods, November 12, 1920. Pleaded guilty, sentence suspended, paroled to pay costs $41.45, April 1, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Matthews, 1920, p. 435, case no. 2609 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Charles Thomas
Indicted for robbery, $40.00, November 15, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convicted one count, sentenced to 6 months in prison, December 14, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Thomas, 1920, p. 440, case no. 2640 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Maggie Parron
Indicted for larceny, $0.21, November 16, 1920. Acquitted, April 14, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Parron, 1920, p. 444, case no. 2661 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Isaac Foster
Indicted for desertion, November 22, 1920. Stet entered, May 12, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Foster, 1920, p. 452, case no. 2707 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Maud Ward
Indicted for larceny, overcoat $10.00, December 1, 1920. Acquitted, December 8.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Ward, 1920, p. 468, case no. 2808 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Rayford Paulin
Indicted as common theif, November 29, 1920. Stet entered, December 29, 1920. Appearence of Davis and R. H. Stevenson.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Paulin, 1920, p. 474, case no. 2843 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Arthur Butler
Indicted for larceny, overcoat $40.00, December 2, 1920. Acquitted, December 21, 1920.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Butler, 1920, p. 479, case no. 2873 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Daniel Perry
Indicted for fraud, watch $53.50, December 3, 1920. Pleaded guilty, received suspended sentence to make restitution, December 21.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Perry, 1920, p. 480, case no. 2876 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Viola Newman
Indicted for prostitution, December 3, 1920. Pleaded not guilty, convected, sentneced to 2 months in jail, December 21. Appearence of Davis and R. H. Stevenson.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Newman, 1920, p. 480, case no. 2877 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Yancey Scarboro
Indicted for assault to rape, December 20, 1920. Appearence of Davis and D. S. Kaufman. Pleaded not guilty, found guilty carnal knowldge 14-16, sentenced to 6 months in jail, February 9, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Scarboro, 1920, p. 504, caes no. 3024 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. James L. Williams
Indicted for preforming a marriage without a liscense, December 22, 1920. Pleaded guilty, fined $10.00 plus costs (total $27.05), January 12, 1921. Reported in Afro, January 7, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Williams, 1920, p. 519, case no. 3112 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]

State v. Stevenson Smith
Indicted for burglary, December 31, 1920. Pleaded guilty, sentenced to 4 months in prison.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Smith, 1920, p. 542, case no. 3247 [C1849-129, 3/30/4/14]