Cases Handled By J. Steward Davis, 1921

Margaret Suzane Davis was born August 21, 1921.
Note: there was a supplement to the Criminal Docket in 1921

U.S. v. Gluecose Henerah
Charged in Federal court with illegally making whiskey. Not Federal court records at MSA.

State v. James Allen, 1920-1921
Charged with assaulting and shooting Maryland Redmond with intent to kill, dismissed at Northwest Police Station, Dec. 7 or 8, 1920, charged with assault and sentenced to three month is jail by magistrate the same day. Appealed decision to Criminal Court, “Reconsidered and Ignored by Grand Jury,” Feb. 2, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT (Criminal Docket, Northwestern District) 12/1920-02/1921, James Allen, p. 22 [MSA C2112-95, 3/16/14/20]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1921, State v. James Allen, indictment no. 248, p. 42 [MSA C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1921, box no. 201, State v. James Allen, indictment no. 248 [T495- 223, HF/3/20/75]

State v. Oscar McDaniels
Charged with bigamy. Pled guilty, Feb. 1, 1921, sentenced to six months in state pen.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1921, State v. Oscar McDaniels, indictment no. 120, p. 20 [MSA C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1921, box no. 201, State v. Oscar McDaniels, indictment no. 120 [T495- 223, HF/3/20/75]

State v. Albert Jones
Charged with fraud, stemming from failure to pay a $40 bill at a boarding house. Found not guilty, April 4, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1921, State v. Albert Jones, indictment no. 990, p.165 [MSA C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1921, box no. 203, State v. Albert Jones, indictment no. 990 [T495- 225, HF/3/20/77]

State v. Ernest Jones
Charges with larceny in the amount of $1177.23.  Collected money as a bail bondsman, apparently didn't use it for bail. Found guilty, April 20. Filed motion to Supreme Bench for new trial, motion overruled and case remanded, May 2. Sentenced to 2 years in state pen, May 6. No reason given for rejecting motion in Supreme Bench Minutes

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1921, State v. Ernest Jones, indictment no. 1193, pps. 199, 730 [MSA C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1921, box no. 203, State v. Ernest Jones, indictment no. 1193 [T495- 225, HF/3/20/77]

BALTIMORE CITY SUPREME BENCH (Docket) 1868-1934, State v. Ernest Jones, no. 1193, p. 279 [MSA SC 5603-5-51, 00/27/12/63]

BALTIMORE CITY SUPREME BENCH (Appeals Papers) Box 5, 1921-1931, State v. Erenest Jones, no. 1193 [MSA SC 5603-3-5, 0/27/14/47]

State v. Mamie Parker
Found not guilty of running a disorderly house, March 28.  Found guilty of running a boarding house without a license, April 4; fined $25 and costs for a total of $54.40.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1921, State v. Mamie Parker, indictments no. 855 and 856, p. 143 [MSA C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1921, box no. 202, State v. Mamie Parker, indictments no. 855  [T495- 224, HF/3/20/76]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1921, box no. 202, State v. Mamie Parker, indictments no. 856  [T495- 224, HF/3/20/76]

State v. David White and Willis Zarbrough
Charged with assault with intent to rob. Found not guilty, June 7.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1921, State v. David White and Willis Zarbrough, indictment no. 1810, p. 302 [MSA C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1921, box no. 204, State v. David White and Willis Zarbrough, indictment no. 1810 [T495- 226, HF/3/20/78]

State v. Mamie Smith
Does not appear in docket. Afro coverage of 12/9/1921 suggests charges may have been dropped.

State v. Charles White
Charged with stealing a horse and wagon. Found not guilty on August 4.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1921, State v. Charles White, indictment no. 2497, p. 417 [MSA C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1921, box no. 205, State v. Charles White, indictment no. 2497 [T495- 227, HF/3/20/79]

State v. George E. Palmer
Charged with assault on an officer. Found not guilty, October 31.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1921, State v. George E. Palmer, indictment no. 3467, p.578 [MSA C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1921, box no. 207, State v. George E. Palmer, indictment no. 3467 [T495- 229, HF/3/20/78]

State v. Clarence Anderson and Gus Locket
Charged with robbery and with assault with intent to murder.  Found not guilty of both counts, September 16.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1921, State v. Clarence Anderson and Gus Locket, indictment no. 3026, p.505 [MSA C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1921, box no. 206, State v. Clarence Anderson and Gus Locket, indictment no. 3026 [T495- 228, HF/3/20/80]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1921, State v. Clarence Anderson and Gus Locket, indictment no. 3027, p.505 [MSA C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1921, box no. 206, State v. Clarence Anderson and Gus Locket, indictment no. 3027 [T495- 228, HF/3/20/80]

State v. James Hughes
Hughes was initially charged with murder, but was tried for manslaughter.  According to the Afro on December 12, 1921, the case stemmed from the death of a pedestrian after being hit by a truck. The incident occurred at the end of 1920. Hughes was not indicted until March 31, 1921, and the trial did not begin until December 19, 1921.  Hughes was found guilty and sentenced to three month in jail. No motion for a new trial appears in the Supreme Bench docket. Note that while a man named James Hughes was convicted of murder at around the same time period, it seems to be a different person, as he would have been serving his sentence for manslaughter at the time in question.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1921, State v. James Hughes, indictment no. 187, p. 32 [MSA C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1921, box no. 201, State v. James Hughes, indictment no. 187 [T495- 223, HF/3/20/75]

State v. Marie McChrown
Charged with larceny for shoplifting silk shirts worth $7.96.  Pled guilty, March 14, 1921. Received a suspended sentence, conditional on paying costs of $27.90.  Apparently did not pay and on April 10, 1922 a warrant was issued. She paid on May 8, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1921, State v. Marie McChrown, indictment no. 504, p.84 [MSA C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) 1921, box no. 202, State v. Marie McChrown, indictment no. 504 [T495- 224, HF/3/20/76]

Vernal Chambers, Traffic Court case
According to the Afro, October 28, 1921, Chambers was fined $160 for using someone else's car without permission, and then crashing it. No Traffic Court records at MSA from this time period.

Harvey Johnson, Jr. v. W. Andrew Davis
Suit in City Court, Davis for plaintiff.  Filed April 18, 1921. Nature of dispute not clear--not mentioned in court documents or in Afro coverage (5/6/1921).  Apparently settled out of court, April 30, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) Johnson v. Davis, 1921, 51A, case no. 43, p. 360 [T556-40, 3/34/2/45]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) Johnson v. Davis, 1921, box 976, 378 [T545-199, 3/32/9/8]

State, Use of Clarence Overton v. Harry Brooks
Davis for plaintiff. Overton and his infant daughter Clarice were hit by a car driven by Brooks.  Clarice was killed and Clarence seriously injured. Suit for damages of $10,000.  Filed October 19, 1921.  Case settled and agreed, May 29, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) State, use of Overton v. Brooks, 1921, 51C, case no. 89, p. 1055 [T556-42, 3/34/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) State, use of Overton v. Brooks, 1921, box 1013,  165 [T545-212, 3/32/3/35]

Joseph Green v. Thomas Mack and Martha Green
Case in Orphan's Court, re: estate of Thomas Wallace Green.  Afro coverage from March 11, 1921, says that the Plaintiff, son of the deceased, was contesting his fathers will, which left a great deal of money to his wife, Martha. It seems that Martha was significantly younger than her husband, and was accused of wielding undue influence over him. Davis represented the defendants, the administrators of the will. Petition was filed February 18, 1921, and dismissed by the court on March 9, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY REGISTER OF WILLS (Orphans Court Docket) Estate of Thomas Wallace Green, 1921, No. 2, 1919-1921, Case 460, p. 245 [T600-41, 2/32/13/15]

BALTIMORE CITY REGISTER OF WILLS (Orphans Court Proceedings) Estate of Thomas Wallace Green, 1921, No. 130, p. 541 [T604-104, 2/32/7/36]

BALTIMORE CITY REGISTER OF WILLS (Petitions) Estate of Thomas Wallace Green, 1921, Drawer 460, box 144 [T621-150, 2/37/14/29]

Rossa Gray v. George Gray
Davis represented wife in suit in City Court requesting husband be restrained from using money in their bank account. Reported in the Afro, May 6, 1921. Not found in docket of 1920 or 1921.

State v. Frank Moody
Tried, with William Paul, on gambling charges. Pled guilty, fined $5.00 and costs, November 2, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1921, State v. Frank Moody, William Paul, indictment no. 2914, p. 486 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) State v. Frank Moody, William Paul, 1921, indictment 2914, box 206 [495- 228, HF/3/20/80]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) 1921, State v. Frank Moody, indictment no. 2920, p. 487 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Papers) State v. Frank Moody, 1921, indictment 2920, box 206 [495- 228, HF/3/20/80]
Papers for this case probably filed with other indictment

State v. Clarence Collins
Found guilty of vagrancy in Police Court, but sentence struck down by judge, according to the Afro, April 22, 1921. Not found in docket.

Eva Cousins v. Edward Cousins
Davis for plaintiff. Suit for annulment, charging that her husband was already married.  Bill filed October 20, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Cousins v. Cousins, 1921, 61 B, case no. B23043, p. 539 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Cousins v. Cousins, 1921, B23043, box 563 [T54-571, 3/12/14/51]

Evelyn Offord v. Charles Offord
Suit for divorce, charge of adultery.  Davis for plaintiff. Bill filed January 3, 1921. Dismissed January 10 at request of plaintiff, who had forgiven her husband.  Plaintiff filed for divorce again in 1925; case handled by Davis & Evans.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Offord v. Offord, 1921, 61 B, case no. B21996, p. 3 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Offord v. Offord, 1921, case no. B21196, box 530 [T54-538, 3/12/14/18]

Florence White
Arrested with two other men, Clifford Pruitt and Frank Scott, for disturbing the peace on July 24, 1921.  Charges dismissed against White; Pruitt and Scott each fined $25.00.  Afro reported on August 5th that the three had been shooting craps when Pruitt made some objection. A fight ensued, sending both Pruitt and White briefly to the hospital

BALTIMORE CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT (Criminal Docket, Northeastern District) 06/1921-8/1921, Florence White, p. 132 [C2110-61, 3/3/7/14]

John Pinkett
Accused of raping 13-year-old Ethel M. Wilson. Taken into custody at Northeastern Police Station February 23, 1921.  Case dismissed at hearing on March 2, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT (Criminal Docket, Northeastern District) 12/1920-03/1921, John Pinkett, pps. 142, 170 [C2110-59, 3/3/7/16]

Weldon Monroe v. Callie Monroe
Divorce case, Davis for plaintiff. Allegation of desertion and adultery.  Bill filed December 12, 1921, decree issued March 14, 1922. Not reported in Afro.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Monroe v. Monroe, 1921, 61 B, case no. B23236, p. 642 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Monroe v. Monroe, 1921, case no. B23236, box 568 [T54-576, 3/12/14/56]

Estate of Major Bias
Davis & Bishop for petitioners Nora and Robert Bias. Filed October 20, 1921. Petition challenging administration conducted Columbus Bias (no inventory conducted?). See later case, p. 89.

BALTIMORE CITY REGISTER OF WILLS (Orphan's Court Docket) Estate of Major Bias, 1921, no. 3, p. 61 [T600-42, 2/32/13/16]

Estate of Major William Bias/Columbus Bias
Davis and U. Grant Tyler for petitioner Nora Bias. E. Jackson for respondent. Filed November 29, 1921. Order of court appointing new administrator, December 19, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY REGISTER OF WILLS (Orphan's Court Docket) Estate of Major Bias, 1921, no. 3, p. 89, box 468 [T600-42, 2/32/13/16]

BALTIMORE CITY REGISTER OF WILLS (Petitions) Estate of Major Bias, 1921, box 468, box no. 146 [T621-152, 2/37/14/31]

BALTIMORE CITY REGISTER OF WILLS (Orphan's Court Proceedings) Estate of Major Bias, 1921, HWJ 132, p. 519 [T604-106, 2/32/7/38]

Estate of Thomas W. Green
Davis & Bishop, Philip M. Golden for respondent Martha Green and Daniel Mack; W. Lake Prout for petitioner Joseph Green. Petition filed February 18, 1921, asking for an additional inventory and claiming that property was being hidden. Order of court passed dismissing petition, March 9, 1921. Unable to locate papers. Reported in the Afro, March 11, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY REGISTER OF WILLS (Orphan's Court Docket) Estate of Thomas W. Green, 1921, no. 2, p. 245, case 460 [T600-41, 2/32/13/15]

BALTIMORE CITY REGISTER OF WILLS (Orphan's Court Proceedings) Estate of Thomas W. Green, 1921, HWJ 130, p. 541[T604-104, 2/32/7/36]

State ex rel Bertha Blackwell on behalf of David Jenkins v. House of Reformation for Colored Boys
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed January 3, 1921. Released January 7.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Jenkins v. House of Reformation for Colored Boys, 1921, GCL 9, p. 295, case no. 3447 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Jenkins v. House of Reformation for Colored Boys, 1921, box no. 5, case no. 3447 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State ex rel John Latterson v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed March 11, 1921. Released same day. Found in Afro-American, March 19, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Latterson v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail, 1921, GCL 9, p. 313, case no. 3483 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Latterson v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail, 1921, box no. 5, case no. 3483 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State ex rel Otto Hall v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed April 11, 1921. Released same day.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Hall v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail, 1921, GCL 9, p. 326, case no. 3510 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Hall v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail, 1921, box no. 5, case no. 3510 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State ex rel Lee Wilson v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed June 27, 1921. Released June 29.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Wilson v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail, 1921, GCL 9, p. 351, case no. 3560 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Wilson v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail, 1921, box no. 5, case no. 3560 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State ex rel Lee Jones v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed July 20, 1921. Released July 22, ordered to pay $4.00 per week for child support.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Jones v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction, 1921, GCL 9, p. 360, case no. 3579 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Jones v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction, 1921, box no. 5, case no. 3579 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State ex rel John Lee Jones on behalf of John Eugene Jones v. Leonia Keene
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed July 23, 1921. Released to custody of petitioner, July 27; father to have custody every Sunday.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Jones v. Keene, 1921, GCL 9, p. 361, case no. 3581 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Jones v. Keene, 1921, box no. 5, case no. 3581 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State ex rel Albert Durkin on behalf of Jamie Albert Durkin v. Ida Durkin
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed August 15, 1921. Dismissed, March 18, 1929.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Durkin v. Durkin, 1921, GCL 9, p. 367, case no. 3593 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Durkin v. Durkin, 1921, box no. 5, case no. 3593 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State ex rel Robert Turner on behalf of One Infant born to Olivia Turner v. Olivia Turner
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed August 26, 1921. Petition dismissed by court, August 27, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Turner v. Turner, 1921, GCL 9, p. 376, case no. 3610 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Turner v. Turner, 1921, box no. 5, case no. 3610 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State ex rel Frank Welcham v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed September 15, 1921.  Released September 27, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Welcham v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction, 1921, GCL 9, p. 384, case no. 3626 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Welcham v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction, 1921, box no. 5, case no. 3626 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State ex rel Melvin Butts v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed September 29, 1921. Unable to locate papers.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Butts v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail, 1921, GCL 9, p. 392, case no. 3643 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

State ex rel Isaac Lewis v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed September 29, 1921. Discharged from prison, October 7, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Lewis v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction, 1921, GCL 9, p. 393, case no. 3644[T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Lewis v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction, 1921, box no. 5, case no. 3644 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State ex rel Haywood Pope v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed October 26, 1921. Released October 31.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Pope v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction, 1921, GCL 9, p. 402 case no. 3662 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Pope v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction, 1921, box no. 5, case no. 3662 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State ex rel Robert E. Braxton v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed December 20, 1921.  Released, December 28.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Braxton v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction, 1921, GCL 9, p. 420, case no. 3699 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Braxton v. Warden, Maryland House of Correction, 1921, box no. 5, case no. 3699 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

Walter D. Queen v. Hattie Queen, a lunatic
Davis for plaintiff; Roy S. Bond for defendant. Suit for divorce, filed March 22, 1921. Wife insane, guardian appointed to handle the proceedings. Reported in the Afro, April 25, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Queen v. Queen, 1921, 30B, p. 130, case no. 20265B [T997-30, 3/18/7/24]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Queen v. Queen, 1921, box no. 579, case no. 20265B [T57-607, 3/18/14/21]

John H. Duckett v. Sadie V. Duckett
Davis for defendant, E. Jackson for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, grounds of adultery, filed May 23, 1921. Husband ordered to pay $10.00 per week alimony; cited for contempt five times between October 15, 1921 and March 18, 1922. He was reported non est.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Duckett v. Duckett, 1921, 30B, pps. 235, 594, case no. 20466B [T997-30, 3/18/7/24]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Duckett v. Duckett, 1921, box no. 586, case no. 20466B  [T57-614, 3/18/14/28]

Walter Jones v. Georgeanna Jones
Davis for defendant, U. Grant Tyler for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, grounds of abandonment, filed July 16, 1921. Agreement for lump sum payment instead of alimony. Divorce decree issued September 29, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Jones v. Jones, 1921, 30B, p. 313, case no. 20616B [T997-30, 3/18/7/24]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Jones v. Jones, 1921, box no. 592, case no. 20616B [T57-621, 3/18/14/34]

Seresa White v. Lewis White
Davis for plaintiff, E. Jackson for defendant. Suit for separation and  permanentalimony, filed August 30, 1921. Grounds of desertion; amended bill of complaint claimed defendant was still married to his first wife as well as to the defendant. No resolution noted.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) White v. White, 1921, 30B, p. 385, case no. 20754B [T997-30, 3/18/7/24]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) White v. White, 1921, box no. 597, case no. 30745B [T57-627, 3/18/14/39]

Charles Hargraves v. Ellen Hargraves
Davis for defendant, Roy S. Bond for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, filed September 6, 1921. Grounds of adultery. Husband ordered to pay $3.00 alimony; never paid, summoned for contempt, did not appear.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Hargraves v. Hargraves, 1921, 30B, pps. 395, 584, case no. 20771B [T997-30, 3/18/7/24]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Hargraves v. Hargraves, 1921, box no. 598, case no. 20771B [T57-628, 3/18/14/40]

Steven Purvey v. Mary E. Purvey
Davis for defendant, S. J. McDonahugh for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, filed September 19, 1921. Grounds of abandonment. Husband ordered to pay $20.00 counsel fee and $8.00 per week in child support.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Purvey v. Purvey, 1921, 30B, p. 415, case no. 20811B [T997-30, 3/18/7/24]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Purvey v. Purvey, 1921, box no. 599, case no. 20811B [T57-629,3/18/14/41]

Leroy Tyler v. Mattie Tyler
Davis for defendant, Ephraim Jackson for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, filed November 16, 1921. Grounds of adultery.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Tyler v. Tyler, 1921, 30B, p. 516, case no. 21001B [T997-30, 3/18/7/24]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Tyler v. Tyler, 1921, box no. 605, case no. 21001B [T57-635, 3/18/14/47]

Margaret T. Dowell v. Edgar J. Dawell
Davis for defendant, Ephraim Jackson for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, filed November 23, 1921. Grounds of abandonment. Divorce decree issued October 2, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Dowell v. Dowell, 1921, 30B, p. 529, case no. 21023B [T997-30, 3/18/7/24]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Dowell v. Dowell, 1921, box no. 606, case no. 21023B [T57-636, 3/18/14/48]

Beatrice Lancaster v. Oliver Lancaster
Harry B. Wolf, Davis & Evans for plaintiff, U. Grant Tyler for defendant. Suit for divorce, filed December 20, 1921, charging adultery.  A handwritten note in court papers from the husband to the judge indicates that he was in prison at the time the suit was filed. Cross-bill filed by husband, January 9, 1922. Custody of children awarded to mother, and husband's cross-bill dismissed by court, March 23, 1922. Husband ordered to pay $5.00 per week in alimony, April 21, 1922. Series of attachment proceedings in 1925, likely husband not paying, this is probably when Davis & Evans joined the case. Husband was committed October 19, 1925, for failure to pay, at which point he owed $261.00.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket B) Lancaster v. Lancaster, 1921, 30B, pps. 568, 593, case no. 21095B [T997-30, 3/18/7/24]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers B) Lancaster v. Lancaster, 1921, box no. 608, case no. 21095B [T57-638, 3/18/14/50]

Allison D. Johnson, Reginald A. Gardner, and Arthur Pierce v. Johnson Bottling Co.
Davis for defendants, Roy S. Bond and U. Grant Tyler for plaintiffs. Suit filed November 10, 1921, asking for appointment of a receiver. Davis and Tyler appointed joint receivers, November 25, 1921. Final report filed, December 8, 1925.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Docket A) Johnson, et. al. v. Johnson Bottling Co., 1921, 30A, case no. 13207A, pps. 389, 559 [T996-30, 0/62/14/7]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT NO. 2 (Equity Papers A) Johnson, et. al. v. Johnson Bottling Co., 1921, box no. 1274, case no. 13207A [T56-1176, 3/24/2/2]

Julius G. Bowley v. Mamie Joynes, C. Hampson Jones, Commissioner of Health
Davis for plaintiff, Maurice J. Blum for defendant, R.R. Marchent for the Commissioner of Health. Filed August 5, 1921. Suit for injunction to prevent Joynes from naming her child Julius Guy Bowley, Jr. She accused Bowley of bastardy, which he was acquitted of, but she named her child after him. The Health Department was sued to make them change the child's birth certificate read "Joynes" instead of "Bowley." Both defendants demurred. Davis represented Bowley in a number of cases over the years, including several criminal proceedings for botched abortions. City Solicitor file contains copies of court filings, a draft of the city's demurrer, and memos assigning the case within the department.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket A) Bowley v. Joynes and Jones, 1921, 61A, p. 433, case no. A11179 [T55-61, 0/64/4/1]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers A)  Bowley v. Joynes and Jones, 1921, box no. 3258, case no. A11179 [T53-3862, 3/8/12/87]

"Julius G. Bowley vs C. Hampson Jones et al., Circuit Court," Baltimore City Law Department, City Solicitor Casefiles, RG 13-2, box no. 251, file no. 29494

Jacob Green v. Martha L. Green and Daniel B. Mack, Admins., Savings Bank of Baltimore
Davis for Martha Green, Frank J. Hoen for the bank, Jno. C. Kemp for plaintiff. Suit filed August 17, 1921, contesting legitimacy of will naming Martha, the second wife of Thomas William Green, the beneficiary of the estate. Plaintiff, son of the deceased, alleged that Martha took advantage of Thomas when he was sick and old. Note Orphan's Court case, filed February 18, 1921, which ruled the will genuine and dismissing Jacob's complaint.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket A) Green v. Green, Mack, and Savings Bank of Baltimore, 1921, 61A, p. 456, case no. A11202 [T55-61, 0/64/4/1]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers A) Green v. Green, Mack, and Savings Bank of Baltimore, 1921, box no. 3260, case no. A11202 [T53-3864, 3/8/12/89]

In re: the Estate of Charles Smith
"C. Stewart Davis," later J. Calvin Carney, for petitioner Ida Doles. Filed November 25, 1921. Doles was foster mother of Charles Smith, her nephew, who mentally unstable after an injury sustained while in the army during World War I. Doles filed suit asking to be named as guardian of Smith in order to collect disability benefits from the U.S. Veterans Bureau. She was named guardian the same day. Smith declared legally competent, September 27, 1926.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket A) Ex Parte Smith, 1921, 61A, pps. 619, 775, case no. A11347 [T55-61, 0/64/4/1]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers A) Ex Parte Smith, 1921, box no. 3275, case no. A11347 [T53-3879, 3/8/13/8]

Cleo Davis v. Jefferson Davis
Davis for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, filed January 18, 1921. Grounds of adultery, desertion. Husband did not appear. Decree issued November 24, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Davis v. Davis, 1921, 61B, p. 26, case no. B22042 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Davis v. Davis, 1921, box no. 531, case no. B22042 [T54-539, 3/12/14/19]

Marion Waters v. William H. Waters
Davis for plaintiff, J. Howard Payne for defendant. Suit for divorce, filed February 1, 1921. Grounds of desertion. Decree issued April 4, 1921. Custody of son awarded to mother, husband to pay $5.00 per week for child support.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Waters v. Waters, 1921, 61B, p. 56, case no. B22102 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Waters v. Waters, 1921, box no. 533, case no. B22102 [T54-541, 3/12/14/21]

Olelia May Parker v. Joseph Parker
Davis for plaintiff, Roy S. Bond for defendant. Suit for divorce, filed March 17, 1921. Grounds of adultery. Divorce decree issued May 6, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Parker v. Parker, 1921, 61B, p. 142, case no. B22275 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Parker v. Parker, 1921, box no. 540, case no. B22275 [T54-548, 3/12/14/28]

Owen H. Norris v. Susie Norris
Henry O. Levin for plaintiff, Howard A. Sweeter for defendant. Suit for divorce, filed April 5, 1921. Grounds of adultery. Decree issued in cross-bill, December 21, 1921. Davis & Evans filed a motion October 20, 1924, regarding custody of the parties's children.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Norris v. Norris, 1921, 61B, p. 172, case no. B22335 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Norris v. Norris, 1921, box no. 543, case no. B22335 [T54-551, 3/12/14/31]

Arthur Chase v. Sarah Chase
Davis for plaintiff, G. L. Pendleton for defendant. Suit for divorce, filed April 5, 1921. Grounds of adultery. Divorce decree issued December 22, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Chase v. Chase, 1921, 61B, p. 172, case no. B22334 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Chase v. Chase, 1921, box no. 543, case no. B22334 [T54-551, 3/12/14/31]

Josiah U. Young v. Hattie J. Young
Davis for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, filed April 20, 1921. Grounds of adultery. Divorce granted, November 2, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Young v. Young, 1921, 61B, p. 196, case no. B22383 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Young v. Young, 1921, box no. 544, case no. B22383 [T54-552, 3/12/14/32]

Creston Woingust v. Bertha Woingust
Davis for plaintiff, Roy S. Bond for defendant. Suit for divorce, filed April 21, 1921. Grounds of adultery. Divorce decree issued April 13, 1922. Parties agreed that husband will pay $7.00 per week for child support.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Woingust v. Woingust, 1921, 61B, p. 198, case no. B22386 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Woingust v. Woingust, 1921, box no. 544, case no. B22386 [T54-552, 3/12/14/32]

James Cook v. Viola Cook
Davis for plaintiff, Roy S. Bond for defendant. Suit for divorce, filed April 27, 1921. Grounds of adultery. Parties agreed that wife have custody of daughter and receive $3.00 per week.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Cook v. Cook, 1921, 61B, p. 212, case no. B22414 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Cook v. Cook, 1921, box no. 545, case no. B22414 [T54-553, 3/12/14/33]

Rosie Gray v. George Gray and the Provident Savings Bank of Baltimore
Davis for plaintiff, Charles W. Main for defendant. Suit for separation and permanent alimony, filed April 29, 1921. Grounds of desertion. Asking that the bank be enjoined from letting husband withdraw money from their join account. Cross-bill filed, May 17, 1921, alleging adultery. Parties traded allegations back and forth. Wife did not answer cross-bill.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Gray v. Gray, 1921, 61B, p. 218, case no. B22426 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Gray v. Gray, 1921, box no. 545, case no. B22426 [T54-553, 3/12/14/33]

William Harding v. Victoria Harding
Davis for plaintiff, James Fluegel for defendant. Suit for divorce, filed May 14, 1921. Grounds of adultery. Husband ordered to pay $50.00 counsel fee and $15.00 per week in support.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Harding v. Harding, 1921, 61B, p. 246, case no. B22478 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Harding v. Harding, 1921, box no 547, case no. B22478 [T54-555, 3/12/14/35]

Joseph Lawson Vessels v. Finetta Vessels
Davis for plaintiff, later Joseph C. Slanty; Robert A. Piper for defendant. Suit for divorce, filed May 24, 1921. Grounds of desertion. Cross-bill filed June 28, 1921, also citing desertion.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Vessels v. Vessels, 1921, 61B, p. 262, case no. B22508 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Vessels v. Vessels, 1921, box no. 548, case no. B22508 [T54-556, 3/12/14/36]

Nannie Hayes v. Albert Hayes
Davis for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, filed June 1, 1921. Grounds of desertion. Divorce decree issued November 10, 1921. Custody of son awarded to wife.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Hayes v. Hayes, 1921, 61B, p. 272, case no. B22528 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Hayes v. Hayes, 1921, box no. 548, case no. B22528 [T54-556, 3/12/14/36]

Lillie May Butler v. Samuel F. Butler
Davis for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, filed June 9, 1921. Grounds of desertion. Defendant non est.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Butler v. Butler, 1921, 61B, p. 295, case no. B22573 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Butler v. Butler, 1921, box no. 549, case no. B22573 [T54-557, 3/12/14/37]

Howard Hatchett v. Florence Hatchett, alias Lee
Davis for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, filed June 18, 1921. Grounds of abandonment. Divorce decree issued November 10, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Hatchett v. Hatchett, 1921, 61B, p. 310, case no. B22600 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Hatchett v. Hatchett, 1921, box no. 550, case no. B22600 [T54-558, 3/12/14/38]

James Rawlings v. Sadie Rawlings
Davis for plaintiff, Thomas J. Sakne for defendant. Suit for divorce, filed June 21, 1921. Grounds of abandonment. Husband ordered to pay $15.00 counsel fee and $3.00 per week support. Husband did not pay and ignored repeated court orders. Attachment in equity ordered, September 15, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Rawlings v. Rawlings, 1921, 61B, pps. 315, 628, case no. B22610 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Rawlings v. Rawlings, 1921, box no. 551, case no. B22610 [T54-559, 3/12/14/39]

Susie Brown v. William Addison Brown
Davis for plaintiff, Thomas J. Skane, later Isidor Goldstrom for defendant. Suit for divorce, filed July 8, 1921. Grounds of adultery. Husband ordered to pay counsel fee; non est.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Brown v. Brown, 1921, 61B, p. 338, case no. B22654 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Brown v. Brown, 1921, box no. 552, case no. B22654 [T54-560, 3/12/14/40]

Gussie Lee Johnson v. John H. Johnson
Davis for plaintiff, William Harvey Paris for defendant. Suit for legal  separationand permanent alimony, filed July 8, 1921. Grounds of abandonment.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Johnson v. Johnson, 1921, 61B, p. 338, case no. B22655 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Johnson v. Johnson, 1921, box no. 552, case no. B22655 [T54-560, 3/12/14/40]

Eva Tyson v. Henry Tyson
Davis for plaintiff, Roy S. Bond for defendant. Suit for divorce, filed August 3, 1921. Grounds of adultery. Divorce decree issued December 16, 1921. Custody of son awarded to father, and daughter awarded to mother, as agreed by parties.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Tyson v. Tyson, 1921, 61B, p. 389, case no. B22753 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Tyson v. Tyson, 1921, box no. 555, case no. B22753 [T54-563, 3/12/14/43]

James Elliott v. Lucia Elliott
Davis for plaintiff, Harvey K. Brooks for defendant.  Suit for divorce, filed August 30, 1921. Grounds of adultery. Husband ordered to pay $15.00 counsel fee and $3.00 per week in support.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Elliott v. Elliott, 1921, 61B, p. 441, case no. B22852 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Elliott v. Elliott, 1921, box no. 557, case no. B22852 [T54-565, 3/12/14/45]

Susie Smith v. William H. Smith
Davis for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, filed September 8, 1921.  Grounds of adultery, cruelty. Divorce decree issued January 5, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Smith v. Smith, 1921, 61B, p. 456, case no. B22881 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Smith v. Smith, 1921, box no. 558, case no. B22881 [T54-566, 3/12/14/46]

Annie Toney v. Clarence Toney
Davis for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, filed September 26, 1921. Grounds of desertion and adultery. Divorce decree issued February 14, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Toney v. Toney, 1921, 61B, p. 499, case no. B22965 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Toney v. Toney, 1921, box no. 560, case no. B22965 [T54-568, 3/12/14/48]

William Jackson v. Molly Jackson
Davis for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, filed October 17, 1921. Grounds of abandonment. Divorce decree issued February 14, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Jackson v. Jackson, 1921, 61B, p. 533, case no. B23032 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Jackson v. Jackson, 1921, box no. 562, case no. B23032  [T54-570, 3/12/14/50]

Elise West v. Alfred West
Davis for plaintiff. Suit for divorce, filed October 26, 1921. Grounds of abandonment. Divorce decree issued June 21, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) West v. West, 1921, 61B, p. 554, case no. B23072 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) West v. West, 1921, box no. 564, case no. B23072 [T54-572, 3/12/14/52]

Blanche V. Smith v. William A. Smith
Davis for plaintiff, suit for divorce, filed October 26, 1921. Grounds of abandonment.  Divorce decree issued May 27, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket B) Smith v. Smith, 1921, 61B, p. 555, case no. B23074 [T464-47, 3/4/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers B) Smith v. Smith, 1921, box no. 564, case no. B23074 [T54-572, 3/12/14/52]

Lennie King v. Sheridan McLees, trading as Broadway Dental Parlors
Davis for plaintiff, Walter L. Clark for defendant. Suit for $10,000 damages, claiming defendant broke her jaw. Filed January 7, 1921. Defendant submitted to Non Pros after instructions by judge; judgment for defendant, December 14, 1921. Reported in the Afro-American, December 17, 1920 and December 16, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) King v. Broadway Dental Parlors, 1921, 51A, p. 118, Jan RD 264, "box 1008" [T556-40, 3/34/2/45]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) King v. Broadway Dental Parlors, 1921, box no. 164, "box 1008" [T545-211, 3/32/3/34]

Bertha Wilson v. Mrs. Edward Rippy
Davis for plaintiff, H. M. King for defendant. Suit filed May 5, asking $10,000 damages, allegation that plaintiff was assaulted by defendant. Plaintiff default, judgment for defendant, March 29, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) Wilson v. Rippy, 1921, 51A, p. 411, May RD 193, "box 1023" [T556-40, 3/34/2/45]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) Wilson v. Rippy, 1921, box no. 169, "box 1023" [T545-216, 3/32/3/39]

Savanah Paulin v. Jennie Briscoe
Davis for plaintiff, suit filed May 12, 1921, suit for writ of replevin. Dismissed by court, April 7, 1922. Davis represented Paulin in a later criminal case.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) Paulin v. Briscoe, 1921, 51B, p. 494, Jun RD 36, "box 1024" [T556-41, 3/34/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) Paulin v. Briscoe, 1921, box no. 169, "box 1024" [T545-216, 3/32/3/39]

Marie Peoples v. Union Dental Parlors
Davis for plaintiff, Howard Bryant for defendant. Suit filed June 25, 1921, claiming $10,000 in damages. Plaintiff alleged malpractice. Dismissed by the court, April 13, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) Peoples v. Union Dental Parlors, 1921, 51B, p. 624, Jul RD 98, "box 1026" [T556-41, 3/34/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) Peoples v. Union Dental Parlors, 1921, box no. 170 "box 1026" [T545-217, 3/32/3/40]

Anthony Ward v. B. Blennan
Davis for plaintiff. Suit filed July 21, 1921, claiming defendant owed $114.50 to plaintiff. Plaintiff default, judgment for defendant, April 18, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) Ward v. Blennan, 1921, 51B, p. 696, Aug RD 82, "box 1027" [T556-41, 3/34/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) Ward v. Blennan, 1921, box no. 170, "box 1027" [T545-217, 3/32/3/40]

Charles Shipley v. John M. Johnson
Davis for plaintiff. Suit filed July 21, 1921, asking for $174 allegedly owed to him.  Plaintiff default, judgment for defendant, April 18, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) Shipley v. Johnson, 1921, 51B, p. 698, Aug RD 88, "box 1027" [T556-41, 3/34/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) Shipley v. Johnson, 1921, box no. 170, "box 1027" [T545-217, 3/32/3/40]

Walter Jackson v. Foss Hughes & Co.
Davis for plaintiff, C. Hopewell Warner for defendant. Suit filed August 5, 1921, claiming damages of $10,000. Suit over injuries sustained in a car accident. Agreed and settled, October 11, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) Jackson v. Foss Hughes & Co., 1921, 51B, p. 752, Aug RD 252, "box 1000" [T556-41, 3/34/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) Jackson v. Foss Hughes & Co., 1921, box no. 161, "box 1000" [T545-208, 3/32/3/31]

James E. Diggs v. Bertha Sterns
Davis for plaintiff, Samuel J. Fisher for defendant. Suit filed August 17, 1921, claiming $5,000 damages. Defendant filed demurrer, plaintiff did not respond. Court ordered jury to rule for defendant, October 24, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) Diggs v. Sterns, 1921, 51B, p. 790, Sep RD 89, "box 1001" [T556-41, 3/34/2/46]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) Diggs v. Sterns, 1921, box no. 161, "box 1001" [T545-208, 3/32/3/31]

Taylor & Jenkins Inc. v. Samuel Mosby and Beulah Mosby
Davis for plaintiff, Ephraim Jackson for defendants. Suit filed September 22, 1921, to collect on promissary note. Judgment by confession for plaintiff in amount of $160.08 plus costs, same day,

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) Taylor & Jenkins, Inc. v. Mosby and Mosby, 1921, 51C, p. 906, "box 997" [T556-42, 3/34/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) Taylor & Jenkins, Inc. v. Mosby and Mosby, 1921, box no. 160, "box 997" [T545-207, 3/32/3/30]

Charles Thomas and Anna Chapman v. Mar-Del Mobile Co., proprietor of Packard Motor Car Co.
Davis for plaintiffs, J. Leroy Hopkins for defendant. Suit filed October 10, 1921. Claiming $467.50. Docket noted jurer dismissed at close of case, and plaintiff non pros, judgment for defendant, September 20, 1924. No explanation of jurer dismissal in papers.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) Thomas and Chapman v. Mar-Del Mobile, 1921, 51C, p. 1031, Nov RD 16, "box 1166" [T556-42, 3/34/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) Thomas and Chapman v. Mar-Del Mobile, 1921, box no. 302, "box 1166" [T545-269, 3/32/7/12]

Edward Purviance v. Benjamin Cohen, trading as Liberty Bottling Co.
Davis for plaintiff, Louis H. Sherry for defendant. Suit stemming from car accident, filed October 26, 1921. Claiming $500.00 in damages.  Plaintiff called, makes default, judgment for defendant, January 10, 1923.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Cases Instituted) Purviance v. Cohen, 1921, 51C, p. 1075, Nov RD 148, "box 1049" [T556-42, 3/34/2/47]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Court Papers) Purviance v. Cohen, 1921, box no. 177, "box 1049" [T545-225, 3/32/4/7]

Irwin Butler v. Martha Gassaway
Davis for plaintiff, George L. Pendleton for defendant. Suit for writ of replevin, filed October 6, 1921. Plaintiff recovered the possions, household furnishings. Defendenat claimed that repliven claims were fradulent, court ordered property returned. Plaintiff non pros, judgment for defendant with costs, January 16, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY SUPERIOR COURT (Cases Instituted) Butler v. Gassaway, 1921, SCL no. 3, p. 968, Oct RD 223, "box 2201" [C1497-99, 2/16/12/36]

BALTIMORE CITY SUPERIOR COURT (Civil Papers) Butlet v. Gassaway, 1921, box no. 174, "box 2201" [T583-479, 2/25/10/30]

State v. William Cheeserman
Indicted for burglary, plush coast $55.00, January 19, 1921. Pleaded guilty to one count, sentenced to 14 days in jail, March 15, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Cheeserman, 1921, p. 3, case no. 17 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Oscar Diggs
Indicted for larceny, $105.00, January 19,  1921. Pleaded not guilty, found guilty one count, sentenced to 6 months in jail, February 6, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Diggs, 1921, p. 4, case no. 19 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Emma Young
Indicted for larceny and false pretenses, bedspreads, etc. $32.50, January 31, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, found guilty false pretenses, sentenced to 10 days in jail, February 3.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Young, 1921, p. 34, case no. 201 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Bertine Payne
Indicted for larceny, $17.00, February 4, 1921. Stet entered by state, April 1, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Payne, 1921, p. 52, case no. 307 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Bertine Payne
Indicted for obstructing passageway and prostitution, February 4, 1921. Stet entered by state, April 1, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Payne, 1921, p. 52, case no. 308 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. William H. Slocum
Indicted for disturbing the public peace, February 4, 1921. Acquitted, May 13, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Slocum, 1921, p. 53, case no. 313 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Henry B. Gladden
Indicted for bigamy, February 11, 1921. Pleaded guilty, sentenced to one year in prision, March 3, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Gladden, 1921, p. 67, case no. 400 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Edward Kent
Indicted for bastardy, February 18, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, convicted and paroled to pay $12.00 per week in child support. Numerous warrents issued for arrest for non-support 1921-1923; non est.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Kent, 1921, pps. 86, 733, case no. 511 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Leroy Jackson, George Powell, Bennie Allen, William Handy
Indicted for burglary, $65.00, February 23, 1921. Appearence of M. J. Blum with Davis. All four pleaded not guilty; Powell and Jackson were acquitted, Allen and Handy were found guilty one count and sentenced to 3 months in prision, March 9, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Jackson, Powell, Allen, and Handy, 1921, p. 93, case no. 557 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Alonzo Ellis and Buford Otis
Indicted for larceny, $4.00, February 23, 1921. Ellis pleaded not guilty, convicted one count, suspended sentence; Stet entered for Otis, January 17, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Ellis and Otis, p. 94, case no. 561 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Ida Brown and John Brown
Indicted for larceny, $140, February 24, 1921. Both pleaded not guilty, convicted of one charge, sentenced to 6 months in jail, concurrently, March 4, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Brown and Brown, p. 98, case no. 585 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Ida Brown and John Brown
Indicted for disorderly house, February 24, 1921. Both pleaded not guilty, convicted of one charge, sentenced to 6 months in jail, concurrently, March 4, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Brown and Brown, p. 98, case no. 586 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Violet Boyd and Josephine Nelson
Indicted for larceny, $23.00, February 24, 1921. Stet entered by state, January 30, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Boyd and Nelson, p. 100, case no. 600 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Leon Keyser
Indicted for larceny, shoes, $12.00, March 18, 1924. Pleaded guilty one count, sentenced to 2 months in jail, March 28, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Keyser, 1921, p. 145, case no. 865 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. George W. Harrison and James Brown
Indicted for receiving stolen goods, eggs $16.38, March 17, 1921. Appearence of Ellis Rosenberg with Davis. Harrison pleaded guilty one count, sentenced to 6 months in jail; Brown pleaded not guilty, convicted and sentenced to 3 months, March 23.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Harrison and Brown, 1921, p. 153, case no. 914 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Bertha Hohman
Indicted for prostitution, April 6, 1921. Acquitted, April 11.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Hohnam, 1921, p. 174, case no. 1042 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Eliza Sloan
Indicted for prostitution, April 6, 1921. Acquitted, April 11.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Sloan, 1921, p. 174, case no. 1043 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Albert A. Smith
Indicted for robbery, $100, April 5, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, convicted one count, sentenced to one year in prision, April 13, 1921

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Smith, 1921, p. 180, case no. 1077 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Amos Taylor
Indicted for larceny, pocket book worth $0.50, April 7, 1921. Pleaded guilty one count, sentence suspended to pay costs $26.50, April 25, 1921. Warrent issued, May 9, for failure to pay costs; paid and warrent quashed, May 16.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Taylor, 1921, p. 181, case no. 1086 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Amos Taylor
Indicted for larceny, eyeglasses worth $15.00, April 7, 1921. Pleaded guilty one count, sentence suspended to pay costs $26.50, April 25, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Taylor, 1921, p. 182, case no. 1087 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Nettie DeShields
Indicted for larceny, $35.00, April 6, 1921. Stet entered, April 27. Davis defended her in a 1920 perjury case.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. DeShields, 1921, p. 187, case no. 1117 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Clarence Anderson and Walter Rowe
Indicted for false pretenses, $72.00, April 20, 1921. Apperence of H. B. Wolf along with Davis. Anderson was acquitted, stet entered for Rowe, October 14, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Anderson and Rowe, 1921, p. 208, case no. 1243 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Mary Monroe
Indicted for prostitution, April 18, 1921. Stet entered, June 12, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Monroe, 1921, p. 213, case no. 1278 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Minnie Fisher
Indicted for larceny, diamonds $150.00, April 18, 1921. Pleaded guilty one count, paroled by court, December 1, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Fisher, 1921, p. 214, case no. 1282 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Charles Jones
Indicted for assault and mayhem, April 20, 1921.  Pleaded not guilty but convicted and sentenced to 2 years in prision, April 26, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Jones, 1921, p. 216, case no. 1292 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Haywood Pope
Indicted for assault with intent to rob, May 3, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, found guilty one count and sentenced to two months in prison.  Sentenced reconsidered and reduced to time served, September 1, 1921. Note that Davis defended Pope in a 1922 case as well.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Pope, 1921, p. 243, case no. 1455 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Samuel Jones
Indicted for false pretenses, motorcycle $95.00, May 20, 1921. Stet entered, June 2, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Jones, 1921, p. 258, case no. 1545 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Samuel Jones
Indicted for false pretenses, $40.00, May 20, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, convicted sentneced to one year in prison, June 2, 1921. Sentnece reconsidered and paroled to pay costs $34.15, September 1, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Jones, 1921, p. 258, case no. 1546 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Samuel Jones
Indicted for false pretenses, $46.00, May 20, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, convicted sentneced to one year in prison, June 2, 1921. Sentnece reconsidered and paroled to pay costs $24.75, September 1, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Jones, 1921, p. 258, case no. 1547 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Fabie Brown
Indicted for larceny, pants $3.00, May 20, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, found guilty one count, paroled to pay costs $25.90, June 15, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Brown, 1921, p. 269, case no. 1610 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Addie Dail
Indicted for prostitution and assignation, May 31, 1921. Acquitted, November 10, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Dail, 1921, p. 297, case no. 1778 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Edna Floyd
Indicted for disorderly house, May 31, 1921. Acquitted, November 10, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Floyd, 1921, p. 297, case no. 1779 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. William Chavis
Indicted for larceny, $85.00, June 1, 1921. Abated by death of Traverson (?), March 6, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Chavis, 1921, p. 313, case no. 1875 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. John Thomas
Indicted as common thief, June 13, 1921. Stet entered, June 15.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Thomas, 1921, p. 331, case no. 1982 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Lloyd Bundy, Jerome Green, Robert Holliday, and Nelson West
Indicted for burglary, June 28, 1921. All four acquitted, July 7, 1921. Represented by Davis, George L. Prndleton, and W. X Pairs.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Bundy, Green, Holliday, and West, 1921, p. 364, case no. 2179 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Mattie Myers alias Minor
Indicted for larceny, pocektbook $8.51, June 24, 1921. Pleaded guilty one count, suspended sentence, February 21, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Myers, 1921, p. 369, case no. 2213 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Helen Davis
Indicted for larceny, $25.00, July 7, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, found guilty one count and paroled to pay costs $29.50, July 11. Warrent issued for violation of parole, returned non est, January 24, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Davis, 1921, p. 386, case no. 2315 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. William Butts
Indicted for larceny and flase pretenses, $1435.00, July 15, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, convicted one count, September 28, 1921. Motion to Supereme Bench for new trial, October 1; Overruled. Sentenced to 7 years in prison, December 5, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Butts, 1921, pps. 388, 731, case no. 2326 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. William Butts
Indicted for larceny and flase pretenses, $135.00, July 15, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, convicted one count, September 28, 1921. Motion to Supereme Bench for new trial, October 1; Overruled. Sentenced to 7 years in prison, December 5, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Butts, 1921, pps. 388, 731, case no. 2327 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Judson Adair
Indicted for larceny, pistol $23.00, July 15, 1921. Pleaded guilty to one count, sentenced to one day in jail, July 20, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Adair, 1921, p. 389, case no. 2332 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Charles Mason
Indicted July 19, 1921 for bastardy. Stet entered, September 20, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Mason, 1921, p. 406, case no. 2432 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Jerry Gaut alias Whiners
Indicted for rape, July 25, 1921. Pleaded not guilty; jury deadlocked and sent home, September 21. Second jury found guilty one count, sentenced to 3 years in prison, October 14, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Gaut, 1921, p. 424, case no. 2542 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Robert Mitchell and Ralph Malone
Indicted for larceny, pocket book $6.00, August 3, 1921. Mitchell pleaded not guilty, convicted one count, Malone pleaded guilty one count; both sentenced to 3 years in prison, August 22, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Mitchell and Malone, 1921, p. 444, case no. 2660 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Ruby Tucker
Indicted for larceny, $180.00, August 4, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, convicted one count, sentenced to 30 days in jail, August 22, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Tucker, 1921, p. 450, case no. 2700 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. S? Stevens
Indicted for burglary, August 16, 1921. Pleaded guilty, sentenced to 4 months in prison, August 24.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Stevens, 1921, p. 468, case no. 2807 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. James Moady
Indicted for larceny, $3.00, August 19, 1921. Pleaded guilty one count, paroled to pay costs $28.10, November 2, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Moady, 1921, p. 469, case no. 2813 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Arthur Nicholson and Thomas Bowen
Indicted for laceny, watch $7.00, August 19, 1921. Bowen pleaded guilty one count, sentenced to 3 months in jail; Nicholson acquitted, August 29, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Nicholson and Bowen, 1921, p. 471, case no. 2826 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Zack Bradley
Indicted for assault with a deadly weapon, August 31, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, convicted and sentenced to 18 months in prison, to be served concurrently, September 6, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Bradley, 1921, p. 508, case no. 3048 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Zack Bradley
Indicted for assault on an officer, August 31, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, convicted and sentenced to 18 months in prison, to be served concurrently, September 6, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Bradley, 1921, p. 509, case no. 3049 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Zack Bradley
Indicted for assault with intent to murder, August 31, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, convicted and sentenced to 18 months in prison, to be served concurrently, September 6, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Bradley, 1921, p. 509, case no. 3050 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Milton Davis
Indicted for desertion, September 6, 1921. Stet entered, to pay $6.00 per week in support, September 27, 1921. Re-arrested, January 4, 1922. Pleaded guilty one count, orederd to pay $6.00 per week in support, to be reduced to $5.00 after 60 days, January 10, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Davis, 1921, p. 518, case no. 3107 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Sidney Bond and William Johnson
Indicted for larceny, pants $17.80, October 18, 1921. Johnson pleaded guilty one count, Bond pleaded not guilty but convicted one count. Both sentenced to 10 days in jail, October 21, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Bond and Johnson, p. 610, case no. 3655 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. William Bivins
Indicted for burglary, watches $321.00, November 18, 1921. Acquitted, November 23.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Bivins, 1921, p. 623, case no. 3736 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. William Bivins
Indicted for larceny, opera glasses, $122.00, November 18, 1921. Acquitted, November 23.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Bivins, 1921, p. 623, case no. 3737 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. William Bivins
Indicted for larceny, $50.21, November 18, 1921. Acquitted, November 23.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Bivins, 1921, p. 623, case no. 3738 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. William Bivins
Indicted for burglary, $1705.00, November 18, 1921. Acquitted, November 23.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Bivins, 1921, p. 624, case no. 3739 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Harvey Ryan
Indicted for desertion, October 24, 1921. Stet etnered, to pay $4.00 per week in support, November 3.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Ryan, 1921, p. 633, case no. 3794 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. William H. Makall and Percilla Nicholson
Indicted for larceny, $600.00, October 27, 1921. Acquitted, November 2, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Makall and Nicholson, 1921, p. 635, case no. 3807 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Lee Butler (alias James Turner), Ira Carter (alias Harry Williams), and Joseph Perry (alias James Ford)
Indicted for larceny, car $3000, October 27, 1921. All pleaded guilty one count, sentenced to 3 years in prison, November 2, 1921. Sentence reconsidered and all three paroled to pay costs $32.00, January 7, 1923.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Butler, Carter and Perry, 1921, p. 639, case no. 3833 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Annie Rivers
Indicted for prostitution, October 10, 1921. Acquitted, November 17, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Rivers, 1921, p. 654, case no. 3926 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Josephine Jones
Indicted for larceny, dress etc. $173.00, November 21, 1921. Pleaded guilty one count, paroled to pay costs $28.50, December 5, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Jones, 1921, p. 682, case no. 4092 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Geneva Sewell
Indicted for prostitutin, November 22, 1921. Convicted and fined $10.00 plus costs, December 1, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Sewell, 1921, p. 684, case no. 4104 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Cleveland Booth
Indicted for larceny, false pretenses, $400.00, November 22, 1921. Acquitted, November 29, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Booth, 1921, p. 690, case no. 4135 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Lord Brooks
Indicted for larceny, car tire $50.00, December 12, 1921. Pleaded guilty one count, sentenced to one year in prison, concurrently, December 16.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Brooks, 1921, p. 714, case no. 4283 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Lord Brooks
Indicted for larceny, car tire $50.00, December 12, 1921. Pleaded guilty one count, sentenced to one year in prison, concurrently, December 16.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Brooks, 1921, p. 714, case no. 4284 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. James Baxter
Indicted for assault with intent to rob, December 30, 1921. Pleaded not guilty, convicted and sentenced to 2 years in prison, November 9, 1923.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Baxter, 1921, Supplementary Docket, p. 795, case no. 4677 [C1849-131, 3/30/4/16]

State v. Howard Newton
Indicted for bastardy, January 5, 1922. Pleaded not guilty; verdict sub curia, sentence suspendedand ordered to pay $2.00 per week in child support, January 12, 1922. Multiple warrents issued for non-payment, June 1923.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Newton, 1921, Supplemantary Docket, p. 811, case no. 4773 [C1849-131, 3/30/4/16]

State v. Howard Newton
Indicted for unlawful carnal knowldge, January 5, 1922. Not guilty confessed by state, January 12, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Newton, 1921, Supplemantary Docket, p. 811, case no. 4774 [C1849-131, 3/30/4/16]

Buchannon Keys v. Edward Hankin
Davis and John Hampton for plaintiff. Reported in the Afro-American, March 4, 1921. Suit in People's Court, alledging broken contract to plant hedges. No People's Court records from this time pierod.

Industrious Association & Chauffers' Exchange, Incorperation
Charter approved, September 22, 1921. Reported in the Afro, August 12, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY SUPERIOR COURT (Charter Record) Industrious Association & Chauffer' Club, 1921, SCL 81, p. 357, no. 131 [T2357-82, 0/68/11/56]

State ex rel David Banks v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail
Davis for plaintiff, suit for writ of habeas corpus, filed March 11, 1921. Released same day. Found in Afro-American, March 19, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Docket) State ex rel Banks v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail, 1921, GCL 9, p. 313, case no. 3484 [T550-3, 3/34/13/17]

BALTIMORE CITY COURT (Habeas Corpus Papers) State ex rel Banks v. Warden, Baltimore City Jail, 1921, box no. 5, case no. 3484 [T546-12, 3/34/10/18]

State v. Mary Lee
Charged with perjury, case recondirered and ignored by grand jury, December 21, 1921. Reported in the Afro, December 9, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Lee, 1921, p. 756, case no. 4444 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. Ruth Lee
Indicted for perjury, December 21, 1921. Acquitted, January 12, 1922. Reported in the Afro, December 9, 1921.

BALTIMORE CITY CRIMINAL COURT (Criminal Docket) State v. Lee, 1921, p. 756, case no. 4445 [C1849-130, 3/30/4/15]

State v. James Critchlow
Arrested on May 2, 1921 on charges of deserting his wife in Massichusetts. Held for further hearing on May 10; not found.

BALTIMORE CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT (Criminal Docket, Central District) James Critchlow, 1921, vol. 141, p. 190 [C2117-60, 3/17/10/79]

Estate of William H. Adams
Davis administrator. Adams died November 12, 1921, administration granted November 16. Account settled July 10, 1922. Reported in the Afro, July 21, 1922.

BALTIMORE CITY REGISTER OF WILLS (Estate Docket) Estate of William H. Adams, 1921, HWJ 46, p. 5, CR 10691-2 [CM 195-35]