Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 381   Enlarge and print image (70K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 381   Enlarge and print image (70K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
TRIAL OF JOHN W. WEBSTER. 3169 fifty,-within the inclosed yard of the prison of the county of Suffolk aforenamed, and in the presence of the persons hereinafter named, did cause the sentence of death in said warrant named to be executed upon John W. Webster, of Cambridge, in the county of Middlesex, the person named in said warrant convicted of the crime of murder, by causing the said John W. Webster, convict as aforesaid, to be hanged by the neck until he was dead; and the said sentence was then and there executed upon the said John W. Webster, in accordance with the provisions of the one hundred and thirty-ninth chapter of the Revised Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in all respects. And after the fact that life was extinct in the body of the said John W. Webster, and that the said John W. Webster was dead, had been formally certified to me by Doctors Henry G. Clark and Charles H. Stedman, surgeons, who were in attendance at my request, I caused the dead body of said John W. Webster, at ten minutes past ten o'clock, A. M., of the same day, to be inclosed in a coffin and removed from public view; and, at thirty minutes past eight of the clock in the evening of the same day, I caused the dead body of the said John W. Webster to be delivered to his relatives for interment, in accordance with the request of the said John W. Webster, made to me on the twenty-eighth instant. I also certify, that, several days previous to the day named in said warrant for the execution of the sentence therein named upon the said John W. Webster, I addressed letters to the Attorney General of the Commonwealth aforesaid, and to the said Commonwealth's Attorney for the county of Suffolk, and also to the Clerks of the Courts for the said county of Suffolk, informing them severally of the time and place when and where the execution of the said sentence upon said John W. Web- ster would take place, and respectfully requesting them severally to be present at said execution. I also summoned the following named persons, holding commissions under me as Deputy Sheriffs, to be present at the time and place named in the written summons served upon each of them, namely, at seven o'clock, A. M., on the said thirtieth day of August, and at the office of the prison before named; and they, the said Deputy Sheriffs, were sever- ally present at the time and place named, and assisted me in the execu- tion of the command in the warrant aforenamed; viz., Watson Free- man, Daniel J. Coburn, Jabez Pratt, Erastus Rugg, Benjamin F. Bayley, and Joseph A. Willard. I also, in pursuance of the provisions of said statute, addressed letters to the persons hereinafter named, being twelve and more respectable citizens of the said county, requesting them severally to be present at the office of the prison of the county of Suffolk aforenamed, at eight o'clock before noon of the said thirtieth day of August, to witness the execution of the said sentence of death upon the said John W. Webster, convict as aforesaid;* and they severally were present, and each and all of them witnessed the execution of the said sentence of death upon the gaid John W. Webster, according to the terms of the aforementioned warrant, and pursuant to the- provisions of the statute hereinbefore named. And the names of said persons follow, to wit: B. Franklin Edmands, Isaac H. Wright, James Dennie, Newell A. Thompson, Isaac Adams, J. Putnam Bradlee, Ezra Lincoln, Robert Cowdin, Peter T. Homer, William Schouler, Henry N. Hooper, Thomas Gill, John T. Heard, Will- iam Beals, William Barnicoat, Henry Crocker, James Cheever, Charles The provisions of the statute referred to are the following:-" The sheriff shall be present at the execution, unless he shall be prevented by sickness or other casualty, and also two of his deputies, to be designated by him; and he shall request the presence of the district attorney, clerk or clerks of the county courts, and twelve reputable citizens, including a physician or surgeon; and he shall permit the counsel of the criminal, such ministers of the gospel as the criminal shall desire, and his relations, to be present, and also such officers of the prison, deputies and constables, military guard, or other assist- ants, as he shall see fit."-Rev. Stat. c. i3q, sec. i¢.