Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 380   Enlarge and print image (53K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 380   Enlarge and print image (53K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
378 TRIAL OVJ JOHN W. WEBSTER. principles of impartial justice, demand the execution of the sentence. I hope it is not necessary for me to say that it would have given me unspeakable pleasure to come to a different result, and that I would do anything on earth in my power, short of violating duty, to alleviate the sufferings of a crushed and broken-hearted family. Council Chamber, 19th July, 1850. Pursuant to the above determination of the Executive, a warrant for the execution of the prisoner, of which the following is a copy, issued on the next day, the 20th of July: GEO. N. BRIGGS. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. To Joseph Eveleth, Esquire, Sheriff of our County of Suffolk, Greeting: ' Whereas, at the term of the Supreme Judicial (Seal.) Court, begun and holden at Boston, within the county of Suffolk, and for the counties of Suffolk and Nantucket, on the first Tuesday of March, being the fifth day of said month, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, John W. Webster, of Cambridge, in the county of Middlesex, was con- victed of the crime of murder, and was thereupon by our said Court sentenced to suffer the pains of death, by being hanged by the neck, until he shall be dead; all which, by an exemplification of the record of the said Court, which we have caused to be hereunto annexed, doth tows fully appear: We therefore command you, that, upon Friday the thirtieth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, between the hours of eight and eleven o'clock before noon of the same day, within the walls of the prison of the said County, or within the inclosed yard of the prison of the said County of Suffolk, agreeably to the provisions of the one hundred and thirty-ninth chapter of the Revised Statutes, you cause execution of the said sentence of our said Court, in all respects to be done and performed upon him, the said John W. Webster; for which this shall be your sufficient warrant. Whereof fail not at your peril, and make return of this. warrant, with your doings thereon, into our Secretary's office, within twenty days after you shall have executed the same. Witness His Excellency, George N. Briggs, our Governor, with the advice and consent of our Council, and our seal hereunto affixed, the nineteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the Seventy-Fifth. By His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice of the Council. W. B. CALHOUN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. The foregoing warrant was read to the prisoner by Sheriff Eveleth on the 22d day of July; and on the 30th day of August, 1850, was duly executed on him by that officer, by hanging him on the gallows, as appears by his return made to the Executive upon the back of the war- rant, of which the following is a copy: (Signed) Geo. N. Briggs. Suffolk, ss. By virtue of the within warrant to me directed, and in obedience to the command therein contained, I, this day, between the hours of eight and eleven before noon,-to wit, at twenty minutes before ten o'clock before noon, of the said thirtieth day of August, eighteen hundred and Boston, August 30th, 1850.