Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 382   Enlarge and print image (29K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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Bemis Report of the Webster Trial, 1850 [1897], Image No: 382   Enlarge and print image (29K)           << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
980 TRIAL Ox' JOHN W. WEBSTER. Larkin, Joseph Smith, B. Perley Poore, Osmyn Brewster, Pearl Martin, Thomas W. Robinson, David Chapin, Hamilton Willis, Benjamin Adams, and Peter Harvey,-all of the county of Suffolk, Esquires. And there were also present at the execution of said sentence of death, two surgeons hereinbefore named. And, at the request of said John W. Webster, I permitted the Reverend George Putnam, D. D., to be present at said execution. And I also informed the counsel of said John W. Webster, that they, the said counsel, and the relatives of said John W. Webster, might be present at said execution, according to the provisions of said statute, if they saw fit. And there were also present at said execution, by my order, such officers of the jail, constables, policemen, and other assistants, as in my judgment were expedient and necessary to insure the preservation of order and decorum in and about the yard of said prison and the neigh- borhood thereof.* JOSEPH EVELETH, Sheriff of Suffolk County. * The original warrant, with the above return, was deposited by the sheriff in the Secretary of State's office on the 9th of September ollowing: and, on the same day, the filed a certified copy thereof in the clerk's office of the Supreme Juicial Court, pursuane to the following statutory provision:-Rev. Stat. chap 139, sec. 15. " Whenever a sheriff shall inflict the punishment of death upon any convict, in obedience to a warrant from bee governor, he shall make return thereof under his hand, with his doings therein, to the tscretary's office, as soon as may be, and shall also file in the clerk's office of the court where the conviction was had, an attested copy of the warrant and return; and the clerk shall subjoin a brief abstract of such return to the record of the conviction and sentence."