Charter of Avalon from Scharf, History of Maryland, I:34-40,
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Charter of Avalon from Scharf, History of Maryland, I:34-40,
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36 HISTORY OF MARYLAND. Magistrals and Officers, whatsoever by Sea and by Land for what causes soever, and with what power and authority soever, and in such forme as to the sayd Sr George Calvert and his heires shall seeme most convenient; Also to remitt, release, pardon, and abolishe whether before judgement or after, all crimes and offences whatsoever against the said Lawes, and to doe all and every other things which unto the establishment of Justice, Courts and Tribunalls, formes of Judicature and manners of proceeding doa belong, although in these presents expresse mention be not made thereof. Which Lawes, so as aforesayed to be published, our pleasure is and so wee enjoyne require and command shall be most absolute and available in Law, and that all the liege people and subjects of us, our heires and successors, do observe and keepe the same inviolably so farre as they concerne them under the penaltyes therein contained or to be contained. Provided nevertheless that the sayd Lawes doe stand with reason, and be not repugnant nor contrary, but as near as conveniently may be, agreeable to the Lawes, statutes and Customes of this our King- dome of England. VIII. And forasmuch as in the government of soe greate a Province suddeine acci- dents doe often happen whereunto it will be necessary to apply a Remedy before the Freeholders of the sayd Province can be assembled to the making of Lawes, neither will it be convenient that instantly upon every such emergent occasion so greate a multitude should be called together, Therefore, for the better government of the sayd Province wee will and ordaine, and by these presents for us, our heires and successors, do grant unto the sayd Sr George Calvert and his heirs, that he, the sayd Sr George Caivert and his heirs, by himself and his Magistrats and Officers in that behalfe duly to be ordayned as aforesayed, may make and constitute fitt and wholsome ordinances from time to time within the sayd Province, to be kept and observed as well for the preservation of the peace, as for the better government of the people there inhabiting, and publickly to notify the same to all persons whom the same doth or may any way concern. Which ordi- nances our pleasure is shall be observed inviolably within the said Province, under the paines therein to be expressed. So as the sayd ordinances be consonant to reason, and not repugnant, nor contrary, but so farre as conveniently may be agreeable with the Lawes and Statutes of our Kingdome of Englande, and so far as the sayd ordinances be not extended in any sort to binde, charge, or to take away the right or interest of any person or persons, of or in their freeholde, goods or chattells. IX. Furthermore, that this new Colony may the more happily increase by the multi- tude of people resorting thither, and likewise may be the more strongly defended from the incursions of Salvages or other enemies, Piratts and Robbers, Therefore, we, for us, our heirs and successors, doe give and grant by thesefpresents power, License and Liberty unto all the liege people and subjects, both present and: future, of us our heirs and successors (excepting those who shall be specially forbidden) to transport themselves and Familyes unto the sayd Province of Avalon with convenient shipping and necessary Provisions, and there to settle themselves dwell and inhabite, and to buyld and fortify Castles, Forts and other places of strength for the publick and their own private defence, at the appointment of the sayd Sr George Calvert, Knight, his heires and assignes. The Statute of Fugitives or any other Statutes whatever to the contrary of the premises in any thing notwithstanding. X. And we will also, and of our more especiall grace for us our heires and successors we do straightly enjoyne, constitute, ordaine and command, that the sayd Province shall be of our Allegiance and that all and singular the subjects and Liege people of us, our heires and Successors transported or to be transported into the sayd Province, and their Children there already borne, or hereafter to be borne, be and shall be denizens and Lieges of us, our heires and Successors and be in all things held, treated, reputed and esteemed as the Liege faithfull people of us, our heires and Successors borne within our Kingdome of England; and likewise any Landes, Tenements, Revenues, Services and