Charter of Avalon from Scharf, History of Maryland, I:34-40,
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Charter of Avalon from Scharf, History of Maryland, I:34-40,
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CHARTER OF AVALON. 37 other hereditaments whatsoever Within our Kingdome of England, and other our domin- ions may purchase, receive, take, havs, hold, buy and possesse, and them to occupie and enjoy, give, sell, alien and bequeath, as likewise all Liberties, Franchises and Privileges of this our Kingdome freely, quietly and peaceably have and possesse, occupy and enjoy as our Liege people borne or to bs borne within our saide Kingdome of Englande, without the Lett, molestation, vexation, trouble or offence of us, our heires, or Successors whomsoever, any Statute, Act, Ordinance, or Provision to the contrary hereof notwith- standing. XI. And furthermore, that our Subjects may be the rather incouraged to undertake this expedition with ready and cheerful mindes, through the hope of gaine and comfort of Privileges, Know yee that wee of our especiall grace certaine knowledge and meere motion doe give and grant free License and Liberty by virtue of these presents, as well unto the sayd Sr George Calvert his heires and assignes, as to all other that shall from time to time repaire unto Avalon with a purpose to inhabite, to lade and fraiget, and into the sayd Province of Avalon by them their servants or Assignes from any Ports whatso- ever of us our heires and successors to transport all and singular their goods, moveable or unmoveable wares and merchandise, as likewise Armes and warlike instruments offen- sive and defensive, without any Imposition, Subsidy, Custome or any other thing to be paid therefor unto us our heires or successors, and without the impediment or molesta- tion of us our heires or successors, or of any officer whatsoever or Farmo of us our heires or successors, any Statute, Act, Ordinance or any other thing to the contrary notwith- standing. Provided alwayes that before the sayd Goods and Merchandises be carried or Laden aboorde the Shippes, leave be first asked and obtained of the highe Treasurer of us our heires and successors of our Kingdome of England, or of the Comissioners for our Treasury, or of sixe or more of the Privy Counsell to us our heires and successors under their handes in writing. To which highe Treasurer, Comissioners and Privy Counsell of us our heires and successors, or 1o any sixe or more of them, Wee have for us our heires and successors given and granted, as wee doe by these presents give and grant, power to grante such Licenses in forme aforesayd. XII. And because in so remote a Country and scituate amongst so many barbarous Nations, the incursions as well of the Salvages themselves as of other Enimies Piratts and Robbers may probably be feared, Therefore wee have given, and for us OUT heires and successors by these presents doe give power unto the sayd Sr George Calvert Knight his heires and assignes, by himselfe or his Captaines or other of his Officers, to Levy, Muster and Trayne all sorts of men whatsoever, or wheresoever borne, in the Province •of Avalon for the time being, and to make warre and to prosecute the enemies and Rob- bers aforesayd as well by Sea as by iand, yea even without the Limitts of the sayd Province, and by God's assistance to vanquish and take them, and being taken to putt them to death by the Lawe of warre, or to save them, as the sayd Sr George Calvert and -his heires and assignes shall think fitt, and to doe all and every other thing which unto the Charge and office of a Captaine generall belongeth or hath accustomed to belong, as fully and freely as any other Captaine generall hath ever had the same. XIII. Also our will and pleasure is, and by this our Charter wee do give to the sayd Sr George Calvert Knight his heires and assignes in case of Rebellion, Suddaine Tumult or sedition if any should happen (which God forbidd) either upon the Land within the Province aforesayd or upon the Maine Sea in making a voyage thither, or returning from thence, power, liberty and authority by himselfe or his Captaines, deputies or other Officers to be authorized under his Seale to that purpose (to whom wee also for us our heires and successors doe give and grante by these presents full power and authority) to exercise the Lawe military against mutinous and seditious persons, such as shall refuse to submitt themselves to his or their Government, or shall refuse to serve in the Warres, or shall flye to the Enemy or forsake their Ensignes, or be Loyterers or straglers, or otherwise