Charter of Avalon from Scharf, History of Maryland, I:34-40,
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Charter of Avalon from Scharf, History of Maryland, I:34-40,
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CHARTER OF AVALON. 35 other whatsoever be it of Stones, Metalls, or of any other thing or matter whatsoever found and to be found within the Region lies and Limitts aforesaid. And furthermore the Patronages and Advowsons of all Churches which as Christian Religion shall increase within the said Region Isles and Limitts shall happen hereafter to be erected, Together with all and singular the like and as ample Right jurisdictions privileges prerogatives Royaltyes, Liberties, Imunityes and Franchises whatsoever as well by Sea as by Land within the Region, lies and Limitts aforesaid, To have exercise use and enjoy the same, as any Bishop of Durham within the Bishopprick or County Palatine of Durham in our Kingdome of England hath at any time heretofore had, held, used, or enjoyed, or of right ought or might have had, held, used, or enjoyed. V. And him the sayd Sr George Calvert his heires and Assignes wee doo by these presents for us our heires and successors make Create and constitute the true and absolute Lords and Proprietaryes of the Region aforesaid, and of all other the Premisses, saving allwayes unto us our heirs and successors the faith and Allegiance due unto us, To have holde possesse and enjoy the said Region Isles and other the premisses unto the said Sr George Calvert his heires and assignes to the sole and proper use and behoofe of him the said Sr George Calvert his heirs and assignes for ever, To be holden of us our heirs and successors Kings of England in Capite by Knights service, And yielding therefor to us our heirs and successors, a white horse whensoever and as often as it shall happen that wee, our heirs or successors, shall come into the said Territory or Region; And moreover the-flft part of all Gold and Silver Oare which within the Limitts aforesaid shall from time to time happen to be found. VI. Now that the sayd Region thus by us granted and described may be eminent above all other parts of the sayd Country of Newfound-Land, and graced with larger Titles, knowe yee that we of our further grace certayne knowledge and meere motion have thought fltt to erect the same Territory and Hands into a Province, as out of the fulness of our Royall power and prerogative wee doe for us our heirs and successors erect and incorporate them into a Province and doe call it Avalon or the Province of Avalon, and soe hereafter will have it called. VII. And forasmuch as wee have hereby made and ordeyned the sayd Sr George Calvert the true Lord and Proprietary of all the Province aforesayd, knowe yee there- fore moreover, that wee for us, our heirs and successors, reposing especiall trust and confidence in the fidelity, wisedome, justice and provident circumspection of the sayd Sr George Calvert, doe grant free, full and absolute power by vertue of these presents to him and his heires for the good and happy government of the sayd Province, to ordaine, make, enact, and under his or their seales to publish any Lawes whatsoever apperteyning either unto the publick slate of the sayd Province, or unto the private utility of particular persons, according unto their best discretions, of and with the advice assent and approbation of the Freeholders of the sayd Province, or the greater parte of them, whome for the enacting of the sayd Lawes when and as often as need shall require, wee will that the sayd Sr George Calvert and his heires shall assemble in such sort or forme as to him shall seeme best; And the same Lawes upon all men and people within the sayd Province and Limitts thereof for the time being or that shall be constituted under the government and power of him the sayd Sr George Calvert or his heires either sayling towards Avalon from our Kingdom of England or any other our dominions or Contryes, or returning from thence to our Kingdome of England or any other our dominions or Contryes, by the sayd Sr George Calvert and his heires, or by his or their deputies Lieutenants, Judges, Justicers, Magistrals, Officers and Ministers to be ordayned and appointed according to the tenor and true intentions of these presents, by imposition of penaltyes, imprisonment and any other coertion, yea if it be needfull and that the quality of the Offence require it, by taking away member or life, duly to execute; As likewise to appoint and establish Judges and Justicers,